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Hinata's alarm clock rung out throughout his room. He groaned loudly. Why did alarm clocks exist? Sure he would be late but at least he would be well-rested. He pushed the covers off of himself, sat up, and practically smashed his clock. He twisted and turned, but he couldn't do it. He couldn't go back to sleep. Darn his perfect sleep regimen his parents had practically beaten into his system! Welp. Nothing he can do about it now. He got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. And for some odd reason, he had this dreading feeling that someone annoying was going to walk into his life, whether he liked it or not (which he did not).


Hinata checked his schedule. Oh. Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no. The next thing he had was gym. And it's not like he wasn't athletic. The number of times he had to bike over a mountain to get to school or run away from high class whooping his parents were about to give him after he got a 90 on a test (even though they would somehow find him and beat the shit out of him anyways) gave him plenty of stamina, which by the way, he certainly does not need. It also gave him such incredible speed that he could outrun a car if he put his mind to it. But that's just the problem. With such amazing athletic abilities, he might stand out. His unnatural ginger hair already makes him stand out! He doesn't need to stand out more!

He sighs frustrated. He checked the time, ten minutes. His absence might go on his permanent record. He might as well go.


Hinata stood in between these two much, much taller boys than him. Made him mad in a way. Their gym teacher was a man with dirty-blonde hair, a very pasty, pale complexion, a looked very skinny. If Hinata didn't know any better he would've thought the man was a vampire. "Hello class, my name is Shiroma Masaru. I don't care what you call me, just be respectful. About it."

He sent a glare to the students that reminded Hinata of his dad. Cold and hateful.

"Alright, and because there's so many of you," he said, "We've decided to put you in pairs of two." Oh. Great. People, how wonderful.

As the man called, Hinata was very angry and annoyed. Not by the fact that he has to work with someone, it who he's working with. He was tall, just like all the others, his silver and black hair spiked up. Arched eyebrows, and honestly, he looked like an owl. "You Hinata right? I'm Bokuto!" He exclaimed. Loudly. Hinata groaned, he already knows he's going to hate this.

【𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒】[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now