Chapter Twenty-Two

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Raven's POV

"You there!" A shrill male voice called, "Girl!" It was Prince Joffery. My eyes searched the courtyard as I tried to determine who he was referring to

"I believe he means you, Raven." Jacline chuckled

My gaze briefly landed on the younger boy, "I believe you're correct, Jac." I sighed

"Wench!" he spoke again with a snap of his fingers

"Should I send for your brothers?"

"Only if you want them arrested," I eyed the man they called 'The Hound' who was standing beside the prince, "or dead. I will see you at dinner." I sighed again as I made my way to the blond

"Finally," He said frustrated, he turned to his guard, "Northerners, must be as deaf as they are stupid." 

I tacked on a false smile before speaking, "How may I serve you, your grace?"

He gave a slimy grin, "You could begin by coming to my bed chamber tonight." he turned back to the much larger man, "I hear there is nothing quite like a Northern whore."

Rage bubbled within me, but I held my smile nonetheless, "My apologies, your grace, but I must decline. You see, I don't believe my Lord father would agree with the odious acts of which you are inferring."

"'Lord father'? Who might he be?"

"Lord Eddard Stark, your grace. I believe you two have met."

"Of course I have." He sneered, "Lord Stark?" he began to walk in a circle around me whilst his eyes scanned my body, "Surely you're not the eldest. Not red enough." he toyed with a piece of my hair from behind, "And far too old to be that ugly little brat."

It took everything in my power not to punch him in his smug little face.

"There is another." The Hound reminded him

"There is?" It finally dawned on him, "There is. You're the bastard! One of them at least"

"Aye, your grace. I am one of Lord Stark's baseborn children."

"Tell me, was your mother a whore or a wet nurse? Peasants could never get their stories straight." He smirked wickedly

I grit my teeth as my anger threatened to surface, "I cannot elaborate on subjects I myself do not know, your grace."

"Stupid girl! You are of no use to me. Leave at once."

"As you wish, your grace." I bowed and turned to leave. I paused in my stride, "Your grace, you would be wise to direct further inquiries to Theon Greyjoy if you are looking for a companion." 


When the feast began, Jon and I did as Lady Stark commanded and sat in the kitchens with the staff for the duration of the meal. The joke was surely on her as that arrangement worked just fine. Jon, ever the introvert, got peace and quiet, while I had Jacline to converse with.

"I canna believe he said all that to you," (1) Jac said after I told her what had happened with the prince

"I know. You'd think one of his many teachers would have taught him how to respect a woman." I chuckled

"Who are you referring to?" Jon spoke for the first time since we began our meal

"Your sister had a bit ova run-in with the crowned prince this afternoon."

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