Chapter Twelve

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Thanks to @briandaff for giving me the bump I needed to finish this chapter. 

The majority of this chapter was written in my English notebook and was added to whenever I couldn't take out my phone or iPad after a test. After seeing a comment on the last chapter I was kinda pushed to finish what I had started. I hope you enjoy, and also don't forget if anyone has any ideas for future chapters please leave a comment, or dm me. Every suggestion helps a ton. 


No One's POV

It was shaping up to be a cold and rainy day int he North. The only signs of life were of servants running around doing their work. Parents kept their children inside in fear they would fall ill. Not that anyone would want to be out playing. The rain mixed with the cold had caused the ground to freeze over, and become slick.

Raven was out in the courtyard helping her handmaiden, Jacline with a chore. Her dark brown cloak wrapped firmly around her body as the two moved across the empty courtyard. Both carrying large baskets of clothes, each being very mindful of the icy ground. The two walked in silence for a while, until Jacline's heavy northern accent broke the silence "I've been meaning to ask you, how has your needlework been going?"

"Oh, just fine. Great, actually." She beamed. Ever since that day roughly five years ago, she has been working on projects left and right. "I've actually just started working on adding a direwolf to one of Arya's dresses. Hopefully, it'll make it a bit more bearable for her to wear." Only four and already despising the fact she has to wear a dress. 

With a chuckle, the elder girl responds, "That sounds great, I'm sure she'll love- WOAH-" A slick patch caught her by surprise, causing her feet to fly out from under her and her bum to hit the ground. "Ow!" She sits there, dazed for a few moments. Raven goes to help her up, all the while trying (failing) to keep herself from laughing. "It's not funny, Raven." She glares

The younger girl coughs to try to regain composure, only to start laughing harder. Seeing the glare Jacline is sending her way, Raven quickly tries to defend herself, "Oh come on, Jackie. If you saw yourself land on your ass, you'd be laughing too." 

Jacline sighs, chuckling to herself, "I guess I would be, but it would be better if you were the one with her bum in the dirt." The two laugh at the thought, "Now, let's get these baskets inside." Wrapping her cloak a bit tighter around her small frame. 

"Aye, you don't have to bend my arm. It hasn't gotten this cold in a while." Both girls pick up their baskets and head inside. Dropping the baskets inside, Jacline turns to Raven. "You can go, Rave. I've got things covered here."

"No, Jack. I wouldn't feel right just leaving this for you to do alone. Besides, it's not like I have anything else to do today." It was true, she had already had her lessons, and Sir Rodrick canceled (I actually fought with myself on the spelling) sword training for the day. 

"I have everything handled. Go work on that project for Arya, or find something else to occupy your time." 

"Fine." she sighs, walking off. Arriving at her room a few short moments later, she flops onto the chair in the corner of the room. She picked the dress she was working on off the stool to her right, and the thread from her left. After about an hour of working, she hears something in hall outside her room.


Raven's POV

"Give it back!" A familar voice yells

"You're gonna have to jump for it."

I got up and jogged to the door. I find Theon dangling a doll above Sansa's head. Sighing I speak up, "Can you not be a prick for one day, Greyjoy?"

"Well, a man has to do something in this weather." He mouth turns to that infamous Greyjoy smirk, he's still holding the doll above his head.

"You are far from a man. Men don't pick on helpless little girls. Why don't you just save your dignity and give the doll back? Before I have to take it from you." I take a few steps closer. He takes a moment to think to himself, sighing he drops the doll into Sansa's waiting arms.

He scoffs, "Whatever." walking off to do whatever it is dirtbags do. 

I walk up to Sansa, kneeling to meet her eye, "Hey, Red. Want to come see something?" She hesitates, but nods. I lead her into my room, showing her what I added to Arya's dress. "Like it?"

The six-year-old looks at me and nods eagerly, "How did you do it?"

We sit on my bed, "You've heard Septa Mordane speaking of needlework, right?" She nods, "Well, that's all this is."

"But you don't take lessons." She was genuinely confused by his.

"You know my handmaiden? Jacline? She taught me when I was your age."

"Can you-" she stops

"Can I what?"

"Can you teach me?"

"The Septa will be doing that soon, Sansa." I see the pout on her face and melt, "But I guess I could show you a few things." She smiles widely, hugging me tightly. "She hasn't done this since she was three."  I think to myself. The two of us sat there with the needle and thread until we were called down for supper. 



I don't really know how i feel about this chapter. I don't hate it, but I also don't love it. Anyway, thanks for reading.

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