Chapter Thirteen

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Author's Note

Special thanks to @briandaff for all your help with coming up with ideas, as I was struggling to do so, as well as for your kind words in the comments.


No One's POV

It has been just over a week since Raven had taken up teaching Sansa the basics of needlework. Each day after all of their lessons were done, the two of them would meet up in one of their rooms. They would work on projects, Raven continuing the direwolf for Arya's dress and Sansa doing simple flowers, as Sansa went on about what happened that day in excruciating detail. Though Raven didn't mind Sansa's endless rambling because it showed she was comfortable in her elder sister's presence. Raven felt she was finally able to have a relationship with her younger sister.

That was until Lady Stark found out


Catelyn's POV

How dare she! Trying to steal my daughter from me, I will not have it! Those bastards took my eldest son, they will not have my Sansa too.

I march my way through the castle up to the childrens' quarters. I pound my fist on the door, it opens revealing the bastard. "Lady Stark, how may I help you?" OPening the door, allowing the older woman to enter.

"Where's Sansa?"

"Here momma!" Sansa says running from her spot on the ground next to the bed, to hug my legs.

"Sansa, you are not to come here for these so-called lessons again." I say softly, trying to hide my anger from my six-year-old.

"Why momma?" she asks almost tearing up.

"Septa Mordane will be continuing where she left off. Trust me, you'll be better off that way."

"But I want Raven to teach me." She pouts

"No buts, Sansa. Now run along. I would like to have a word with Raven." On my orders, Sansa runs out of the room, closing the door behind her.

I turn towards the child before me, "When your father brought you two bastards home, I knew you would be nothing but trouble. Stealing my children from me; however, I did not expect."

"Lady Stark, I swear on my honor, I never meant any harm."

"Your 'honor'?" I let out a humorless laugh. "You have none to swear upon. Starting fights in the courtyard, going against every tradition there is, corrupting innocent children."

"My Lady, I am only guilty of one of those things you speak of, and that is only because my lady lessons were canceled when I was young."

"O hush up, you stupid girl! You may have your father fooled, but not me. You act all innocent, but I see you for what you are! A no good, stupid, conniving, insolent, heretic." She stands there, stunned, not reacting to my words. Not trying to defend herself, but also not showing emotion. I'll give her credit for one thing, she's one strong girl. "You and your brother are nothing more than blights on this good family's name and legacy, you should have never been born."With that, I walk out of the room, with my head held high. Damn, that felt good.


Raven's POV

What in the seven hells just happened? All I was trying to do was be a good sister and that happens? Robb's right, I don't deserve this crap. I am a decent person, a good person. Life is so unfair, I didn't ask for any of this.

Tears finally make their way from my eyes and down my cheeks. After years of putting up with her abuse, I finally break. I fall into my bed and cry into my pillow.


A few hours later....

Jon's POV

I haven't seen Raven all day, and I'm starting to worry. I walk up to Robb and Theon in the courtyard, "Have you seen Raven?"

Both of them shake their heads, "Have you tried the Godswood? She always seems to be there when we can't find her." Theon suggests

I shake my head, "She wasn't there."

"She said something about helping Sansa with something." Robb joins me in trying to find our sisters, we spot Sansa first. Robb kneels down to her height, "Sansa, have you seen Raven?"

She was in her room. We did some needlework when momma came in and told me to leave."

"Did you hear anything when you left."

"I think momma was yelling."

The two of us make eye contact and start jogging up to her chambers. I knock on the door, no answer, "Raven, open up." Still no movement from the other side of the door, "Raven, please."

Finally, something moves and the door opens, slowly revealing my twin sister. "What do you want?" Her voice cracks

"What happened?" Robb asks, she moves so we can enter the room.

"Your mother happened." She sniffles.

"What'd she say?" I ask. Raven goes over everything Lady Stark said to her. By the time she finished, she was crying again, something neither of us have seen her do since we were seven and I got the pox.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, Robb is the first to speak up, "She had no right saying that to you." She mumbles something under her breath, "What was that?"

"What if she's right? What if I am all those things she said I was?"

"Don't think like that! You are nothing like that, you hear me?" I move to put my arms around her shaking form.

Robb moves to join us on the edge of the bed. "He's right. You are nothing like that. You are the strongest person I've ever known, as well as one of the smartest, and most respectful." He wraps his arms around her other side. We sit like this, one big jumble of sibling affection, for a few minutes, none of us wanting to let go.

Raven eventually stops crying altogether, she looks at the two of us with a small smile, "I love you guys."

"Love you too." We say at the exact same time, looking at one another in almost shock. Raven lets out a laugh, causing Robb and I to soon follow. Robb and I nod to one another, seeing Raven laugh after everything that happened with Lady Stark, knowing we did something right.


Author's Note

I'm just going to say, I don't hate Catelyn, I feel for her. The fandom gives her the raw end of the deal without really thinking about what they would do in her place. That being said, I honestly had a hard time writing the Catelyn vs Raven scene. I hoped you enjoyed that chapter, and I'll try harder to update more often. Thanks for reading.

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