Chapter Eight

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Special thanks to:




For your kinds words and ideas in the commentts of the last chapter. It really means alot, thank you!


Time Skip two years.

(Current age: 9 years old)


No One's POV

Bullies were not a common sight in Winterfell. Unless you just happen to be the illegitimate children of Lord Eddard Stark. From an early age, the two were taught they were fair game to those who saw them as mistakes, nothing more than blights on House Stark and Lord Eddard's good name.

Stable boys and daughters of other noblemen were usually the driving force behind this torment.


"Hey, bastard!" Yelled one from behind. Three girls had confronted Raven near the stables, each of them yelling insults at her. She sighed knowing she had nowhere to run and having to take the abuse.  

"Your mother was nothing more than a  dumb whore!" Raven turned to face her tormentors, rolling her eyes.

"Like I haven't heard that one before." She thinks to herself

"They say your mother killed herself after you were born. Must've realized her mistake in having you." (referring to Ashara Dayne)(Yes, I realize it's not true, but she doesn't know that.)

Raven held back tears as they backed her into a corner. Bringing up her mother would always get to her, as no one other than her father knew for certain who she really was. But she wouldn't let them see her cry, she refused to show that their words were getting to her.

"Do us all a favor and leave. No one wants you or your bastard brother here, not even your father!"

She pushed herself off the wall slowly, "Why don't you do everyone a favor and remove the stick from your arse?" (because I don't feel right having a small child say ass)

"Why you little bastard!" She raised a hand and before anyone knew it she struck the younger girl across the face. Raven was too shocked to do anything but stare.

The other girl, Rina, regained her composure rather quickly. "You deserved that! Talking back to a true Lady like that, you bastard!"

"Bastard she may be, but remember whose bastard she is." A voice spoke from behind the group. The voice belonged to none other than Robb Stark himself.

"My Lord," Each girl acknowledged.

"Why don't you three run along, and stop bothering my sister?"

"Half-sister." Four-year-old Sansa Stark corrected her older brother, making herself known to the group. Her mother's hatred for the Snow's already seeming to rub off on her. Robb sighed inwardly.

"Yes, my lord." The three of them left.

Robb walked forward, "Are you okay, Rave?"

"Just fine Robb. I could've handled them myself, you know?"

"Yeah, that red mark on your cheek says you handled that so well." He teases

"Oh, hush up!" Raven playfully shoves her older brother.

Robb chuckled and turned his attention back to Sansa. "Sansa, you know Raven and Jon are your siblings just as much as I am, right?"

She seemed confused by her brother's words. "But mother said they were bastards." She held a thoughtful look on her face, "What's a bastard?"

The elder sibling share a look, Raven spoke up. She lifts her younger sister off the ground, causing Sansa to giggle. "Well, young one. A bastard is a child that is born when a mother and a father aren't married."

"Isn't that a bad thing?"

It was Robb's turn to speak up "Some think it is, but I don't find it all that bad."

"Why not? It's a sin." Sansa is still very confused

"Well, we wouldn't have Jon and Raven if father hadn't done it. I love them very much, don't you?" She nods eagerly. "Well then, having bastards isn't such a bad thing now is it?"

Sansa shrugs "Robb, stop filling your sister's heads with lies!" The booming voice of Catelyn Stark. She grabbed Sansa from Raven, starring the young Snow down as he did. "Now, you two run along, find something better to do than corrupt young children." She walked away with her head held high.

"I'm sorry for my mother." 

"You can't keep apologizing for her. She hates Jon and I. You know it, I know it, the whole bloody castle knows it!  I'm used to it."

"You shouldn't have to be."

She looks to the ground for a moment. "How about we find Jon and the three of us go riding before supper?"

"That sounds great! Let's find him, he should be off brooding somewhere."

The two siblings laugh and run off to find their brother. The earlier events having been all but forgotten by the time they had found him.

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