Chapter Fifteen

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No One's POV

The fortnight went by faster than anyone had thought it would. Before the inhabitants of Winterfell knew it, the day of Benjen Stark's arrival came.

Within that fortnight, the relationship between Sansa and Raven grew more and more strained, some would even call it non-existent. The younger girl seemed to go out of her way to avoid her older half-sister, usually sticking as close to her mother as she could. Jon tried to assure his twin things would go back to normal, but she was having none of it. She was angry about the whole thing, and she used that anger in her sword training. For the first few days, this use of her anger resulted in countless bruises ending up on Jon, Robb, and Theon. Despite her anger, she always felt bad and apologized for hurting the three.

The only good thing to come out of everything is Raven spending more time with Arya. The two were already close, but now they were almost joined at the hip. She wasn't just spending more time with Arya, but with Bran as well. If everyone else was busy, Lord Stark would leave orders for his eldest daughter to watch over his two youngest children, usually without Catelyn's knowledge. Things seemed to be looking up for the young Snow.


Benjen's arrival was a big deal in Winterfell, it had been about four years since his last visit. Many in the castle have missed Lord Stark's younger brother, no one more than Lord Stark himself, of course. 

The Lord of Winterfell gathered his whole family in the courtyard, standing shoulder to shoulder in a row beside himself and Lady Catelyn. In order, the kids stood: Robb, Jon, Raven, Sansa, and Arya, with Bran being held in Catelyn's arms, and Theon standing behind Robb.

Benjen rode through the front gates on a dark brown mare, smiling when he saw his family. "Ah Ned, it's been too long." He states while dismounting.

"Aye, it has." he returns his brother's smile. Benjen walks up to his elder brother, the two men embrace warmly. As the two pull away, Benjen turns towards Catelyn, "Cat, as beautiful as ever." He places a soft kiss on her cheek, his eyes then finding Bran, "Who might this little one be?" The small boy turns his head shyly into his mother's neck.

Catelyn smile a bit sadly, "HIs name is Brandon."

Benjen nods, "A strong name for a strong boy." He moves back down the line, "Robb, Jon" he claps a hand on each of their shoulders, "you've grown so much! I can't believe you're little men now." His eyes find Raven's,  "You are looking more beautiful every day, so much like your aunt Lyanna." He pulls the three into a tight hug. Letting go, he continues to the rest of the family. "Sansa, a pure Tully." The small girl curtsies, he smiles placing a kiss on the knuckles of her outstretched hand. Finally, he gets to Arya, "Hhm, this one's new as well. Based on looks, you're truly a Stark. Tell me, child, what is your name?"

She smiles shyly, "Arya."

"Nice to meet you, Arya." The small girl giggles as he pokes her sides. Benjen rises from the ground, "Really Ned, you shouldn't have had everyone drop what they were doing to greet me."

"Trust me, brother, they did it all on their own." He takes a look around the courtyard. "We've all missed you, brother."

"And I you, brother." He then speaks to the rest of the courtyard, "All of you, back to what you're supposed to be doing. No need to get behind on work because of me."

Sir Roderick speaks up, "Aye, sounds good to me. Robb, Jon, Theon, Raven pick up a practice sword and a shield, meet in the center of the yard. I'll pair you off once everyone has cleared the area."

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