Chapter Eighteen

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Episode three (The Long Night) actually hurt my soul. Then, I went to see Endgame right after it and well I just wasn't emotionally okay that night.

I've been trying to get this chapter done since the final season premiered, but you know, procrastination. I gotta say I didn't entirely hate season eight. Are there things I would like to, and most likely will change for this fic? Hell yeah, but it wasn't a godawful way to end the show.

I realized this fic won't end for a very long time, probably well after the show itself ends. I'll make it work.

Raven's POV

I step out of the Maester's solar, taking in a deep breath of the frosty air as I look out to the world around me. I start limping my way slowly down the aisle, greeting anyone I came across. my mind wanders back to Jon and our fight, as well as Maester Ludwin's words. How do I just let my brother throw his life away?

A voice cuts through my thoughts. I turn to see Robb waving from across the courtyard, Arya still firmly on his shoulders. I pick up my pace as much as I can without hurting myself further, meeting Robb, now joined by Theon near the front gate. "Set her down before you drop her." I grin, gesturing for Robb to hand Arya to me, he complies.

"What's with the limp?" Theon asks

"A sharp rock had a disagreement with my leg." I shrug

"Are you alright? We heard about what happened with Jon? I get the feeling the two are connected." Robb inquires

I hold Arya a little tighter, "I'm alright. I just have to give him his space to calm down."

"Are you sure? You two have never fought that way before."

"Siblings fight," Uncle Benjen reasons as he approaches with Father, "it is a normal part of life."

"Funny you say that, uncle. Maester Ludwin told me quite the story regarding you and father."

Father chuckles, raising an eyebrow, "And just what does that story entail?"

"Your and Uncle Benjen's scuffle when he decided to take the black."

The two older men share a laugh at the memory, "A scuffle it was, shoulda seen the number we did on one another."

"If I recall, you did much of the punching."

"Aye, but you did your part as well, brother."

"What a different time that was." Bejen points out

"Different indeed, but that's all behind us now." Father smiles before his eyes find mine, "If you all would excuse us, Raven may I have a word?"

"Of course, father." I hand Arya over to Uncle Benjen before walking off, "What did you need to speak with me about?"


"What of him?" I sigh slightly, not wanting to get into this with him

"Seems no one can find him, you were the last one to speak to him."

"Have you checked the godswood?" I ask, concern creeping into my voice

He nods, "He wasn't there, and his horse is gone. He could be anywhere by now. Is there any other place you can think of that he would go?"

"None that I can think of..." I trail off as a thought crosses my mind. Maybe I do know where he went...

Father catches this pause, kneeling down to meet my gaze, "What is it? Have you thought of a place?"

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