Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Raven's POV

"There she is," I announced, taking in a deep breath of cold air. Jacline, Harold, and I sat atop the hill overlooking the castle. It may have been the distance that made my heart grow fonder, but I could've sworn Winterfell looked even more beautiful than I remembered.

"What are we waiting for?" my handmaid asked from the wagon

"Let me take it all in, Jac." I took one more deep breath before leading the trot down to the castle. The guards had not hesitated to let our party through once we reached the gate. They had no doubt seen our approach and notified the castle of our arrival.

Harold and I dismounted our horses, and he moved to help Jac from the cart. The handmaid in turn began to unpack, "That can wait, Jac." I told her, smiling, "Go find your father, I am sure he would love to see you."

She returned the smile, nodding, "Thank you, Raven." she said as she rushed off

I turned to my personal guard, "You too Harold. I believe your mother works in the kitchen, does she not?"

He looked taken slightly aback, "I didn't know you knew my mother,"

"Aye," I nodded, "she has always been kind to me. Now, go find her, and take your time coming back. There is no rush." He took in my words before bowing his head lightly and following Jacline's path out of the courtyard

"Raven!" a tiny voice yelled, filling the outdoor space

"Rickon!" I did not hesitate to gather my brother in my arms and hoist him into the air. "Oh, how I've missed you, pup!" I smothered his small face with kisses as he laughed

"Do you still have Sir Knight?" he asked through giggles

"Of course," I pulled the toy from my belt, "I never go anywhere without him and he has done a fine job in keeping the bears at bay." I gave him another kiss for good measure

"I've always wondered who your favorite brother was." An all too familiar voice spoke up

"Has it ever truly been a question, Robb?" I grinned as I turned to face him. Almost nothing had changed about him in the time I'd been away.


He looked tired, the mischievous glint in his eye that I'd known my whole life all but gone. I turned back to the boy in my arms, "Why don't you say hello to Ember, pup? I bet she remembers you." I set him back on the ground to run after the wolf, who had been joined by Robb's wolf Grey Wind, and Rickon's, Shaggydog 

"He's missed you," Robb stated simply as we watched the group play

"As if he's the only one," I raised an eyebrow as I faced him, "I'm gone but two months and you call me back with mysterious news that cannot be put on parchment?"

"We will talk about that, I promise, but for now I believe somewhere in this castle is a morose little boy who would love to see you." he gave a small smile

"Robb, we've talked about referring to yourself in the third person," I smirked up at him

That elicited a laugh from my brother, "That's Lord Stark to you, Raven."

"Is that so?" I challenged, "Apologies, my lord." I did a mock curtsy in his direction, making him laugh further, "Tell me, is Lord Stark too good to hug his little sister?" 

"I don't believe he is," he said as he pulled me to him in a tight embrace, "I've missed you, sister."

I sighed into his shoulder, "And I you, brother." We pulled away, "Now, as you said, there is another in this castle who wishes to see me."

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