Chapter Twenty-One

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No One's POV

Winterfell was abuzz with excitement. It had been a month since Lord Stark had received a raven from King's Landing informing him of the death of his father figure Lord Jon Arryn, the hand of the king. That same letter had also informed him of King Robert and his party's impending arrival in the North. This would be his first visit in seventeen years and he would be bringing his whole family and most of his royal court along with him.

Catelyn Stark wanted this visit to go as well as humanly possible, so having the two living blights of House Stark walking about would certainly not do. Her husband wouldn't do away with them as she'd like, so she would have to do the next best thing.


Raven's POV

"Raven," A handmaiden approached Theon and I, "Lady Stark requests your presence in the Great Hall."

"Alright. I will head there now." She nodded and left without another word.

"Lady Stark wants to see you?" Theon spoke up, "What did you do, Snow? Must've been something pretty heinous for Lady Stark to request to be in the same room with you." he smirked

I chuckled, "Or maybe she plans on offing me before the king arrives. We cannot have such a disgrace lurking around the royals now can we?" I bid Theon farewell and started towards the Great Hall, bumping into Jon along the way, "Has Lady Stark requested you as well?"

He nodded, "Do have any idea as to what this is about?'

"Not a clue, but it has been nice knowing you, brother."

We entered the large space and found the woman we sought walking briskly around the room, ordering servants to make everything perfect for the king. Her eyes found us, "You two, here now."

We wasted no time in making our way over, "You wanted to see us, Lady Stark?" I asked almost hesitantly. This woman would never cease to terrify me.

"Yes." she fixed her cold stare on us, "As you know the king and his party will be arriving within the next few days." we nodded our understanding, "Whist they are staying in Winterfell you two are not to interact with any member of the royal family. You will eat in the kitchens during meals. You will stay far away from gatherings. As far as anyone will be concerned, you do not exist after the castle greets them at the gate. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Lady Stark," we said together

"Good. Now off with you." she shooed us away with a bat of her hand


Later that evening...

"You don't exist? Horseshit! My Mother has gone too far!" Robb exclaimed in outrage, shifting under the barber's hold

I chuckled, "Sit still, Stark, before Tommy slits your throat."

"You have to tell Father right away. She cannot do this!"

I sighed, making eye contact with Jon who simply shrugged, "Robb, what difference does it make if we do? No, we will give your mother what she wants. The king and his party will only be here for a few weeks and then all will return to normal." Robb clearly didn't like that answer but chose to accept it. He finally stopped his squirming and allowed Tommy to work 

Jon cleared his throat after a moment of silence, "Why's your mother so dead-set on us getting pretty for the King anyhow?" He asked, effectively changing the subject

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