Chapter Twenty-Six

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Full honesty, I'm making complete guesses when it comes to the timeline of this story. I'm just making things up as I go along for it all the make sense to me (and hopefully those reading this). Also, Lady Maege Mormont is super OOC. Wiki describes her as rough and cold, but I think Raven should have a warm maternal figure. The girl deserves that much after putting up with Catelyn for so long.


No One's POV

Nearly two months had passed since the Stark/Snow siblings had gone their separate ways. In that time, it had been hard for Raven not to think about Jon's journey North or how Robb was fairing in his new position. Questions like how big had Rickon gotten? How long had it taken for Sansa and Arya to start bickering on the journey to King's Landing, and how was her father handling it?... Had Bran woken up?

It was clear that if Raven were left to her thoughts, they would quickly consume her. She was thankful for Lyanna keeping her almost too busy for the melancholy feeling of homesickness to catch up with her.


Raven's POV

I readjusted my hold on the shield, "Mormont. Begin with their sigil." I called to the little lady. It was an easy one, I knew. Lyanna had been taught that very house since she was old enough to talk, but we had been at this lesson for nearly an hour, and I found ending with an easy set made her more confident going into sit-down lessons the next day.

Lyanna grinned as she lunged, "Black bear-" strike, "White field-" strike

I deflected each hit, circling the girl, "Correct." I smiled, "Their words?"

She lunged again, "Here-" strike, "We-" strike "Stand."

"Very good. I believe since we are standing in it, we may skip the seat." I smiled as I took the sword from her hand, "Go get yourself cleaned up, Lyanna. We're done for the day."

Said girl pouted, "Oh Raven, can't we do one more?" 

"Not if you intend to use that arm tomorrow. You have to take sword training slow, so you don't hurt yourself, cub." I set a hand on her shoulder and led her away from the training grounds

"Alright," Lyanna sighed.

"You will get there. Your mother and Sir Wallace will soon come to an agreement regarding furthering your sword lessons, and once they do, I'd bet that sword won't be far from your grasp." The older man was vehemently against Lyanna picking up a weapon, despite Lady Maege's orders to allow it. I believe the two have been in a summit meeting of sorts to come to a compromise, "Now, go about your day. You did well today." I smiled down at her before splitting off to get myself cleaned up to take my own direction


"You two 'ave come a long way, my friend." Jacline mused after I recounted the day to her. She handed me my tunic and then my trousers.

"A part of me is still surprised my plan worked," I admitted with a laugh, "Giving an angry child a sword could have backfired gloriously." 

"I will admit I had my doubts, but you have worked miracles with that girl." Jac praised as she helped me braid back my hair. I felt heat rise to my cheeks at the compliment, "I told you you would do well here. You 'ave proven me right and then some."

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