Chapter Twenty-Three

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Raven's POV

I took a deep breath before raising my hand to strike the cold wooden door

"Come in." called the familiar deep voice

I pushed the heavy door open enough to enter the space, allowing the warmth of the room to envelop me. I smiled to myself, Father's solar had always been the warmest room in the castle, and there was this feeling in my gut that I wouldn't be able to appreciate that fact for much longer.

Father was sat in front of the fireplace looking over a piece of parchment. I stood at the door with my arms clasped behind my back as I spoke, "You wished to speak with me, Father?"

"That I did. Please have a seat." I did as I was told, "As you know I have accepted the King's proposal to step in as his hand in wake of Jon Arryn's passing."

"That I do."

"Though I wished to not leave until after Bran had awoken, Robert is a man of little patience. He has commanded the party depart much sooner, but that is not what I wished to speak with you about." He breathed a heavy sigh, "Since receiving the King's proposal and with my departure hanging over my head, I have begun to contemplate the future of this house and of my children. Robb will step into his rightful place as Warden of the North, Jon will finally get his wish and join the Watch, Sansa will marry the Prince. Their futures are clear. It is a different matter entirely for the rest. Gods know finding a Lord's son to marry Arya will not be an easy feat, especially with Arya herself fighting me every step of the way. As for Bran and Rickon, I assume they will go wherever the Gods lead them."

"And I take by this meeting, you have thought on my future as well." It was more a statement than a question

"Aye," he nodded, "I wish more than anything for you to remain here in Winterfell, at Robb's side, his advisor as you have been your whole lives." He grinned warmly, but it faded as quickly as it appeared. He took my hand gently in his, "You must know, you have not done anything wrong. Of all my children, you are the one I have always been able to depend on, no matter the issue."

"But you're sending me away." again a statement, one I knew was coming all along

"Yes," he sighed again, "Catelyn felt very strongly that she would not, and these are her words, 'be forced to endure your presence' without me here. Fret not, you are to remain in the North, not more than a few days ride from Winterfell."

The weight on my heart lifted ever so slightly, "Where am I to go?"

"Bear Island. I have found you room and board with the Mormonts. It has all been sorted, you will leave with us within the fortnight. We will split off along with Benjen and Jon and travel further North, so the two of you will be able to say your goodbyes. After, I will leave you, your handmaid Jacline and a yet-to-be-chosen member of the Winterfell guard to make the trip to the island."

"May I bring Ember?"

"Of course." The smile was back, "I must tell you, I expected a fight when I wrote a direwolf would accompany you on the journey, but Lady Maege seemed excited at the prospect. She wrote Ember will be given her own kennel and free-range of the castle, that is, granted you are there beside her."

"That's amazing! I will be sure to give her my thanks when I arrive. What am I to do there?"

"They are in dire need of a tutor for the young Lady Lyanna Mormont, and you have too amazing of a brain to waste with other common jobs."

I bowed my head, never the one for compliments, "Thank you, Father. I am excited to embark." It was the truth, even if it wasn't everything I was feeling

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