Chapter Eleven

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 Thanks to @briandaff for the idea. I don't know if this is what you had in mind, but I did my best.


No One's POV
~11 years old~

A new squire, Bander Wode,  had just started out in Winterfell, immediately he decides to go after the only people in the castle who he sees as beneath him. Those people being Theon, Jon, and Raven. Seeing as Theon and Jon are already skilled fighters for their age, Raven seemed to be the best option for him to pick on, without getting his ass kicked. Oh, how wrong he was.

Bander spots his prey, practicing her archery out in the courtyard.  She hits the bullseye relatively easily. Looking at her accomplishment, she walks over to the target, pulls out the arrows and places all the equipment in their proper spots. 

As soon as she put down the bow, and walked a bit away from the weapon, Bander pounces. "Oi bastard!" Raven keeps walking, a bit faster even. "Oi! Look at me when in talking to you!" 

Raven stops and turns around, "Is there anything I can help you with, my lord?(A/N: Honestly, don't know if you would actually call a squire 'my lord'. If not, please go with it) " Slight eye roll has been earned by the boy.

"Oh, I was just wonderin' why your father brought you two brats home. Why not leave you with your whore mother?"

Her face hardens "You'd have to ask my Lord  father yourself." Purposely "forgetting" to give the older boy any respect.

"You ought to speak to your betters with respect!" A small shove

"Just what makes you my better? Let us not forget whose home you're standing in. I may not be a lady, but I am your liege Lord's daughter." a smirk forms across her face

"You're nothing more than a bastard! A mistake!" Another shove, harder, almost knocking the younger girl off her feet. Raven sees Theon running from the crowd of people slowly forming in the shadows.

"You can't talk to my sister like that!" Jon leaps in front of Raven

"Oh, another bastard!" He sneers, "Came to defend the bitch, have you?!"

"No one speaks of my sister in that way." Jon tries to keep his calm, but it wasn't easy. 

"I'm sure it's nothing you haven't heard before. I doubt anyone in this castle hasn't said this behind your back. Now, why don't you take your whore sister, and get out of all of our lives."

All of a sudden Jon throws a punch landing his fist square in elder boys face. Bander punches back, hitting Jon in the stomach. A full on brawl ensues between the two boys. Raven, not wanting to let her brother have all the fun, manages to get a few punches, as well as receive a few hits as well.

Robb runs over to the three, Theon following close behind him. "What is the meaning of this nonsense?!?!" He bellows

Raven and Jon stop to look at their brother.  Bander takes his opportunity to strike, while they're distracted. He punches Jon in the face, and swipes Raven's legs from under her, knocking the wind out of her as she hits the ground.

"Seven Hells!!" A large voice bellows everyone's eyes follow the voice to find its owner, Sir Rodrick Castle, standing on the walkway above the scene. "You're here one damned day, and you're already getting into fights." Addressing Bander

"Sir, I can explain! " The boy exclaims. Robb and Theon move to help the twins up.

"Don't bother explaining to me. All of you to Lord Stark's solar... Now! "The twins, Bander, Robb, and Theon do as they're told as the crowd disperses.


In Lord Stark's Solar...

The last thing Ned expected to see today was his three oldest children, his ward, and an unknown boy walk into his solar; the twins, and boy bloodied and bruised, Robb and Theon almost fuming with anger.

"What happened to you?"

"Lord Stark, I swear they started it! " Pointing to the twins. "I was minding my own business when they attacked me."

"Father," Robb steps forward, "you don't believe this do you?"

"I don't know what to believe. I know I raised my children better than to go picking fights in the courtyard. Do we have any witnesses? "

Theon steps forward, "I saw most of it, my Lord."

"Well.. Go on with it."

"Raven was practicing archery when Bander confronted her. He shoved her, and then more words were exchanged. He shoved her again, this time harder. That was when I ran to find Robb."

"Raven, have you anything to say? "

"After Theon left, Jon jumped in front of me. The boys exchanged words. Bander called me," She takes a deep breath, "he called me a whore and a bitch. That's when Jon started the fight."

"Well, I think we have our answer. Consider this manner settled. Get yourselves cleaned up, and go about your day." The five of them go to leave, "Except for you Bander, we need to talk." The boy looked about ready to pee his pants.


Back in the courtyard...

Arya had taken it upon herself to "heal" her older siblings, having Robb make multiple trips to wet the rag she was using. "Hey, pup." Arya stops prodding at Raven's face, "Why don't you let us big kids do that?" The younger girl nods, handing the rag to her sister.  Arya sits on the ground, watching Raven clean up some small cuts on Jon's face, Robb sits down with her with a toy."You're an idiot, you know that?" She asks her twin.

"For defending you? No."

"I could've handled it myself, Jon."

"Yes, because you were handling it so well until I got there." He rolls his eyes

"That doesn't matter. Regardless, you shouldn't have done that. He's older and stronger than you. You could have been hurt much worse had it not been for Robb and Theon."

"Arya, why don't we go find mother? I'm sure she's wondering where we are."Robb picks up Arya and walks away. Leaving the Snows alone to talk.

"Rave, understand why I did it. I couldn't listen to him talk to you like that any longer. I already have to endure Lady Stark, but this time I could do something about it." He looks to the ground

"I understand Jon, but both you and Robb need to let me fight my own battles. How is anyone going to take me seriously if I need my brothers to save me? Don't get me wrong, I love and appreciate you guys for standing up for me."

"I'll try to hold myself back, but I make no promises. Now, come here you still have blood dripping down your face." He takes the rag from her.

"Oh, my hero." She rolls her eyes

After all the blood is cleaned from their faces, the two walk to the Great Hall. "Jon," she gains his attention, "thanks for helping back there."

"It was no problem, sister." The two hug, "Love you, Raven."

"Love you too, Jon."

The two walk into the Great Hall, earning many weird looks for their bruised faces. Bander the squire was rarely seen again.

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