Chapter Nineteen

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I know, I know. It's been forever since I updated. Big thanks to everyone who has read, voted, etc on each chapter. I deeply apologize to everyone who went through and read all eighteen, I'm the first to admit the beginning was pretty damn rough.

If you like this story and also enjoy Young Justice, The Flash, or even the short-lived Under the Dome, go read my other stories. I have a lot of fun writing those and really wished more people enjoyed them as much as I do. If you're interested, please head over to my account to check them out.

Finally, there will be another time skip here just to get us closer to the main storyline.


Twins/Robb- 18

Sansa- 13

Arya- 11

Bran- 10

Rickon- 6

Theon- 19


No One's POV

The pitter-patter of small feet filled the silence of the hallowed halls of Winterfell. Mischief was afoot as the three youngest Stark children crept down to the room of their eldest sister. Arya, the ringleader of the group, slowly pushed the large wooden door open.

Once in the room, a problem was realized. The bed, while not the tallest, would be difficult to scale while having a toddler with them and without assistance. Ever the problem solver, Arya pushed Raven's desk chair next to the bed and help Bran and Rickon onto it. On her signal, the three jumped onto the sleeping form, startling her awake.

"Happy name-day!!" They yelled

"My word, thank you, you sneaky little pups." Raven pulled the three into a tight embrace, kissing them each on the tops of their heads. "Now, who's idea might this have been?"

"Mine!" Arya said happily, "Were you surprised?"

"Of course I was, and the chair was a nice touch. Very smart." A grin spread across her face, "Have you woken Jon yet?" They shook their heads, "How about another adventure?"

Raven swept Rickon into her arms and led the group out of her room and across the hall to Jon's. Quietly she pushed open the door, and just as Arya had before, slides a chair next to the bed for Arya and Bran to stand on. "Alright, pups," she whispered, "On my count. One. Two. Three!" At once, the four of them jumped onto their unsuspecting brother.

"Bloody hell!" He yelled

"Not in front of the little ones, brother." Raven admonished with a laugh. The children continued to jump around on the bed. "Alright pups, I believe he's had enough." They settled down, "Why don't you all head back to your rooms before your handmaids cause a fuss searching."

"But Rave-" Arya began

"No buts. It won't be long until we see you again." The children trudged out of the room without any further protest.

"What do you want Rave?" Jon grumbled, still visibly tired

"Don't tell me you've forgotten our name-day, Jon." she feigned hurt

"Of course not. I just hadn't expected to be awoken at dawn."

"You cannot fault our siblings for being excited."

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