Chapter Fourteen

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No One's POV

Raven and the boys sat on her bed until they were called down to supper. The three walk into the Great Hall, taking their seats next to their siblings: Raven between Jon and Arya, and Robb across from them next to Sansa. As the night progressed, Raven noticed the uneasy, slightly confused looks Sansa was sending her way. Turns out after her little "talk" with Raven, Lady Stark had one with her eldest daughter as well.

Sighing Raven looked down at her plate, venison from the last hunt along with some bread and potatoes. Usually Lord Stark would allow one glass of wine with dinner, but Raven never had the taste for the stuff, gladly choosing to stick with water instead.

Just as the meal was coming to an end, Lord Stark stood from his place at the high table. Clearing his throat he spoke to the room "Your attention if you may." Everyone turned to face him, "I have an announcement. I have received word from the Night's Watch with some good news. My brother Benjen is coming to visit."

Smiles spread across each of the childrens' faces, but none were as bright as the ones on Jon, Robb, and Raven's faces. They had always been close to their uncle. He only came to visit every couple of years, but when he did they would always spend time with him: he'd help them with their studies, or sword training. "When will he arrive, father?" Robb asks.

"Within the fortnight." With that announcement, everyone filed out of the Great Hall. Arya went to Raven, asking to be picked up. Without skipping a beat, she hoisted the four-year-old up and onto her back making the young girl giggle as she did.

As they are heading to their rooms, the elder girl notices Lady Stark glaring daggers in her direction. "By the Old Gods! This woman won't stop!" she thinks to herself. Raven carries Arya to her bedchamber, handing her off to Beth before going into her own room to get the book they've been reading for the past few nights. She returned to the room, completed their nightly routine and tucked Arya in for the night. She made her way to each of her siblings' rooms to say goodnight.

After getting through each of her brothers, and even her lord father as they passed each other in the hall. Raven made her way to Sansa's room. Her hope was to somewhat explain what happened between Lady Stark and herself.


Raven's POV

I stop outside Sansa's room, hesitant to knock. What would I even say? I lightly knock on the large wooden door. A female voice tells me to enter. I walk in to see Sansa's handmaiden, Rya, laying out clothes for tomorrow on a chair. She smiles, "Raven, what can I do for you?"

"Evening, Rya. I just came to talk to Sansa before I went to bed."

"I wouldn't take long with that, you both need your sleep."

"Don't worry, it won't take long." she nods. and leaves the room. I sit on the edge of the bed "Hey, Red."

"Mama told me not to talk to you anymore."

Sighing, I continue "I know, but Sansa you're my sister. We would never be able to just stop talking. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

She nods, "But I need to listen to mama."

"Yes, you do, but Sansa-"

"No, a good lady obeys her mother." She interrupts, probably quoting something Septa Mordane told her.

"Sansa, let me finis-"

"Raven, maybe you should leave." Rya says stepping back into the room, a sympathetic smile on her face.

"Aye, I guess I should. Goodnight Sansa, Rya." I waste no time getting out of there. I run straight to Jon's room hoping he would be able to help in some way.

I knock on the door, there's some shuffling on the other side. The door opens to reveal a very sleepy looking Jon, "What is it, Raven?" I tried to speak (A/N: *singing* but nobody could hear. Any Dear Evan Hansen fans out there?) but nothing would come out. Noticing the state I was in, he pulls me into a tight hug. "What happened?"

"All I worked toward with Sansa is gone. Lady Stark ruined everything." I started to tear up against his shoulder.

Jon looks me in the eyes, "Why would you say that?"

"Gods, she won't even speak to me, Jon. I worked so hard to finally have some type of relationship with her and it's gone in a day!"

"Rave, there's still a chance to turn everything back around. As long as we're around, she'll have to form some kind of relationship with us. It's not like she'll be able to ignore us forever."

"You may be right." I sigh, still not feeling right about everything.

"Of course I am." he smirks, "Now go to bed, sister." he shoves me toward my room.

"Goodnight again, Jon."

"Goodnight Rave." He yawns, closing the door as he steps into his room.

I walk into my room, change into the oversized tunic I always wear to bed and jump into my bed, pulling the covers over me as I do. Maybe Jon's right, but I still have a feeling of dread hanging over me. What lengths would Catelyn Stark go to to keep her children away from Jon and me?



After the last to seasons of Jon and Sansa being close, I almost forgot that Sansa didn't like Jon growing up. Starting to read the books really help with remembering plot points like this. 

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