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I'm going to be honest.

Specials are very difficult to make. I don't plan out side plots for specials, and it's wayy too difficult. I apologize, but I can't do specials anymore until a full plot pops into my head. I do have the 1k special though, and it's fully finished. But this 2K special.. I really can't. I feel bad about it, but I'm very bad at just coming up with a 1000 word plot.. It took about 2 months to make 1 plot for this book, and it takes about 1 month to make one for a special. I'm also running out of chapters, and I have the plot, but I devote 1 hour and 30 minutes- 2 hours - 3 hours a day on this book, whether it's making up the plot, working on the actual book, editing or taking notes (which is as important as it sounds, trust me), and specials take up more time and thinking than what I have. I really am trying, but I have a life outside of Wattpad and I'm busy everyday even if I am just 11 years old. No, this does not affect the actual book, you'll still be getting frequent updates and chapters, it's just that I can't do specials. I don't know if everyone likes specials (consider yourself lucky if you don't lol). Once again, I apologize, and I'll continue to put my all in the book. I'm not a perfect writer and once again I don't have all the time in the world. 🥲

One chapter takes about 2 hours for me, and I try to write whenever I can, but I don't want to spend everyday just writing. I'm glad I made chapters beforehand.. 🤦🏾‍♀️

I'm sorry for the people who enjoy specials, and when this book ends, I might come back to make specials.

I'm saying this because in the next few days we'll reach 3K (⁺⸜(●˙˙●)⸝⁺ʸᵃʸ) . Thank you for sticking around guys, I love you all sooooooo much. ❣️❣️

No more specials. Also, 1K special is coming out I think next week? It'll come out soon, okay? Expect a normal update soon too.

Thanks for reading, byeee! ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

(please don't be mad at me 👀💧👄💧👀)

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