Chapter 11 • The Hebi

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"Back during the Chunin Exams.." Hiruzen said. "You saved me. I am very much grateful for that, Hiroyuki, don't get me wrong."

Hiroyuki nodded.

"It's just, what Jiraiya said had me thinking." He said. "I as well, felt as if it was my time.. I was prepared to die. Then, I saw you. It's was like time stopped, and changed. Why-?"

"Time isn't set in stone, gramps." Hiroyuki smiled. "Just be grateful you're alive to see another day, okay?"

"I am! It's just, don't waste time saving others if you love the village, Hiroyuki."

"What, why?"

"At some point it's going to get you killed. We need you here, you're our hero."

"I can do both at the same time, gramps!"

Hiruzen sighed.

"Okay, whatever you say. Just don't over do it."

At this, Hiroyuki frowned.

"Why..why don't you believe in my abilities?"


"It's because of what Tobirama said, isn't it.."


"I'm not just some random guy! I want to save the village from whatever negative fate it may have!"

"I understand that, because I do too."

Hiroyuki got up, leaving grabbing his little hedgehog with him.

"If you don't believe in me, you don't have to. It's whatever."

Kakashi didn't like this attitude Hiroyuki was giving the former Hokage.

Hiroyuki was usually cheery and happy, not grumpy and disappointed.

Kakashi frowned letting the red-head drag him around the village.

On the other hand, Hiroyuki was confused and angry.

'I just don't get it?!' He thought. 'Why doesn't gramps believe in my abilities....!?'

"Quack." Kurama said.

'Uh, what?'


'Kurama, what are you doing?'

"Quack quack quack."

'Stop it!'

"Oh sorry, I just thought it would be appropriate, you know, since you were talking like a certain duck who left the village not too long ago."

'...You're right..'

Hiroyuki lifted his head up, a big genuine grin on his face.

"I sound like Sasuke, don't I?"

"Huh?" Kakashi asked.

'I didn't know Hiroyuki had periods..?' Kakashi thought, confused.

"You know," Hiroyuki looked at him. "With all of the "strength" stuff."

"Hiroyuki, what are you saying?"

Hiroyuki on the other hand had another mood swing and suddenly became serious, but you could sense nervousness radiating off of him.

'Did he forget to put on a pad?!' Kakashi thought, panicking.

"Kakashi, I think we're in trouble.."


"Behind you.."

Kakashi turned around, seeing a group of 10 Anbu walk casually around the village.

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