Chapter 6 • Connecting Trust

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Morning hit, and Hiroyuki wanted to apologize.

He knew his hedgehog companion depended on him to be a source of light for the Hidden Leaf. All of the higher ups did. Except Danzo.

Danzo despises Hiroyuki. He wants him dead.

Hiroyuki rolled out of bed, leaving behind his depressed state.

It was a training day for Team 7.

He could use the time to apologize, and probably get to know Team 7 better. Of course he already knew them like the back of his hand though, but nobody knows that except Kurama, and Hiroyuki had them Itachi level acting skills.

'Might as well put them to use.' He thought.

Hiroyuki closed the door behind him.

As he watched the people pass by, saying hello to the red-head, he couldn't help think about how nice it felt to be in this generation, having people like you.

Of course when Hiroyuki was in his time as a kid, everyone hated him.

Now, everyone loved him, even after what he and Kakashi done.

"Would you like a candy apple, Mr. Kazuki?" An elderly kind woman said.

'It's the lady! The nice one that wouldn't scream at me everytime I went to come get some books about Kenjutsu! Kurama look! Look! She's offering me a candy apple!' Hiroyuki thought, internally squealing.

"Yeah, yeah." Kurama laughed.

"Ah, thank you!" Hiroyuki said as he took the candy apple gently.

The woman smiled kindly.

Hiroyuki just had to pay her back for all she'd done for him.

Hiroyuki took a crate, standing on top of it.

"Excuse me, may I have everyone's attention!" He said, grabbing all of the bystanders attention, and by all, I mean all 100+. Hiroyuki had a loud voice.

This was Hiroyuki Kazuki, of course they were going to listen to his every command.

So when Hiroyuki said,

"I'll sign an autograph for anyone who buys a book at Sentoraru Library!"

The crowed gasped.

"Move out of my way!"

"I'm first!"

"No way!"

"Maybe he'll fall for me if he saw how pretty I am!"

'Okay, that one was a bit too far..' Hiroyuki thought, cringing.

He smiled, looking at the elderly woman who was crying tears of joy.

"But why?" She asked.

"It's a secret." He winked playfully. "Doing a good deed is like a reflection. It shines right back at you. You saved me, believe it or not."

He slipped her a ¥10,000 (About $1,000).

She gasped.

"Keep it up. Trust me, you're well merit of this."

With that, Hiroyuki walked away.

She gasped.

She knew exactly what he was talking about, and she won't say a word.

She was grateful to that kind Uzumaki.

"Thank you, Naruto." She whispered, going to take care of her customers.

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