Something in the way - Nirvana

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Saiki pov

(Y/n) is at the point of no return, she's been missing for a month. We heard about the killings that's been happening for a while. Rumor has it that (y/n) was the one killing, but it's been confirmed the killer has silver hair.

I've had my own guesses that it's sayoko, I've been trying to track her down. But it's been hard when this girl is always on the move.

sayoko / (y/n) pov.
For the past month I've been traveling. Killing random people, stealing their money, building a reputation for the grandest kill of them all.

I'm going to hurt those who've hurt (y/n)

I either wanna torture them slowly, or go out with a bang.

A week ago someone caught me killing and reported it to the police. He only told them I had silver hair so whenever I'm out in the open, I take (y/n)'s (h/c) locks. It's only when I kill them I change my hair to my original.

But back to the death of my fellow students, I want to raise hell apon them. Show them a fraction of what I'm feeling, make them beg for forgiveness as I take away their happiness.

We hope that our friends will understand and forgive us, this is all for the sake of karma. No one and nothing is gonna change our mind.

                Saiki POV
The strangest thing happened today. This person came to my house, they were looking for me. They sat in my kitchen talking to my mom "ku, you have a visitor!" The girl stood up, she had long dark hair and ember eyes.

"I'm Iwasaki Hikari, are you Saiki Kusuo?" She asked me and I nodded "we need to talk" she said and I nodded. I lead her upstairs into my room and she sat on my chair "I know what's happening to your friend" she started.

"Explain more" I let her explain what's she meant by "knowing what happened to (y/n)"

"Well you see, a while back I made a deal with a witch. Sacrificing my fear for happiness, and so she told me that it would come soon enough. I didn't think much of it till I began to feel happy, I wouldn't overthink and I wouldn't stay home all day. I started enjoying life outside of being a hermit, I touched grass!"

"It was fine and still is fine, but your name started popping up in my head. And some memories came too, but they're not my memories. I don't know these people or who they are, I only feel the happiness attached to the memories. Saiki, I don't know what that witch did. But I do know your friend sacrificed her happiness and now she's being consumed by fear. I don't have fear anymore so I came to your house without a plan, I just came and let you know what happened. But she thinks highly of you, so I know I'm doing the right thing by coming here"

Iwasaki explained and I wrapped my head around this thing "sayoko, she's the one pulling the strings. I don't know who or what she is, but she's controlling (y/n)" I explained and she nodded.

"It could be that the fear has manifested a personality and has even taken on a physical form. But it can't do that on its own, so the only logical explanation is that it's slowly consuming your friend" by heart sunk, it's slowly eating fujiwara.

"So, what happens when it's done?" I asked her "well, when it's done. Then that means (y/n) is no more"


I can't let that happen.

"Well how do we stop that from happening?" I asked her "we need the witch. Thing is I have no clue where she's at, and I don't think we can find her"

"How'd you meet her?" I asked her.

"Well, I met her when I started thinking about ending it all" she explained.

"So... fujiwara... wanted to... die?" I asked her and she looked away and nodded "I don't know who hurt her, things happened and now she's in trouble"

"She might be in more trouble than we think. If she gave into fear then that means she's passive right now, meaning sayoko has the upper hand. We can either remind her of the good times she had, or she might have to die before sayoko takes over. I know she has powers, I do too. But mines aren't like hers, I can only cast illusions of the subconscious" she explained.

"You also have powers?" I asked her "yeah I just explained. Here, let me show you" she stood up and placed her finger on my forehead.

My room started fading out as a new scenery faded in.

"Kusuo, honey?" Someone called me "I'll be right there dear" someone replied, I stood there looking at where I was. It was a house, not my house but a house.

"Mommy! Daddy! I went potty on my own!" A little boy with puffy pink hair ran to a woman "good job shiro, we should celebrate with some ice cream!" The woman picked her up.

I recognized her face "Fujiwara?" I stood there in shock. She was holding a young boy and giving him kisses "shiro, be careful with your mother. She's carrying a baby in her stomach remember?" A man came in the scene.

"WHAT THE!" It was me! An older version of me. I took the boy from her hands and kissed fujiwara "grosss! Get a room" she giggled "your turn!" She began kissing him.

"It's getting late, we better leave so we make it to my parents house in time" adult me said as he checked the clock "yay we're going to see grandma and grandpa!" The child cheered "yup, dont forget to show your grandpa some love, Kusuo doesn't like to do it" she teased and I rolled my eyes "whatever let's just go"

The house faded away as my room faded back in "that's what you want? It's really sweet" she gave a soft smile "what was that?" I asked her "it's what you want deep down. You love her"

"What? I don't love anyone. What ever love you think I have for her was just her powers having an affect on people" I disregarded and she rolled her eyes "it's not working right now, we'll it is. But she's not loving life right now"

"What do you mean?"

"Let me explain again"

I Lowkey winged this chapter well. Wowwwwwwww I love this. And I love you guys. Hikari Iwasaki is a character in a fanfic im working on.

It's Shinso x reader. Ya know, my hero and stuff.

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