scene one: James Dean & Audrey Hepburn- sleeping with sirens

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To those of you who forgot the reason why there are slow updates, it's because I'm working on a webcomic and so I have to focus on that because I'm doing mostly everything. I do have a Co-creator, but she's busy with school and also she doesn't draw so that's fun. Currently I'm securing the bag by babysitting a neighbors kid and so now I have even less time, but I am trying to get better at time management so I really thank those of you that are patient.

   "THE SLEEPOVER HAS OFFICIALLY BEGUN!" I cheered and threw confetti "I'm not cleaning this up you know" hika said, clearly not enjoying my antics "where's your holiday cheer hika?" I asked placing my hands on my hips "what holiday?" They asked with extra sass "it's almost summer! Which means we got a whole lotta fun ahead of us!"

"I wanna stay home during the summer" I turned to kusuo "dear sweet kusuo. That is not an option!" I playfully smacked him across the head "I wanna go everywhere and do everything!" Asuka cheered "that's the spirit Asuka!" I pulled out a deck of cards that is familiar to them "Bam!" I slammed it on the floor "you know sai-Duck always wins right?" Hika asked me "I know that, that's why we're doing teams" I wiggled my way next to saiki "me and saiki vs hika and Asuka. Winners get bragging rights and has to make the losers do a dare"

"Oh, so the stakes are high since now you have something to loose" hika mischievously grinned "we gotta win Asuka" they quickly whispered something in her ear and she grinned "kusuo I don't like that they're grinning. We have to win!" I shook him "ow stop" he grabbed my hands and put them down "oh did I hurt you?" I asked him "nah, it was annoying though"

"I'm annoying?!?" I cried out "I didn't say you, idiot" he flicked my forehead "ow okay let's just play" I take my seat down next to kusuo and we began playing, we immediately take the lead with our awesome cards that can kill both hika and Asuka. 

"Your going down hika, admit defeat" I smirked with pride, but then she grinned "oh yeah, well I mean I could do that, or I could do this!"  She put down five reverses, then put down three +2's and then finished it off with a skip and a +4

"Uno!" Asuka cheered as she got up and did a little dance "ugh, and I was so sure we had it" I bang my fist on the floor and then flop to my side "I have to do a dare... And hika most likely is going to pick something stupid" I whined.

"Can you rela-

Saiki didn't get to finish his sentence because a ring came on his phone. He opened it and checked "who is it?" I asked him. His face stayed the same, yet he was in confusion. He's feeling a mix of confusion, weariness, and hesitation.

"Kusuo? What's the matter?" I asked him trying to peak at his phone.

"Sorry, it's just... Someone wants to talk to me" he clicked his phone and got up from the floor rather quickly causing me to slip off his lap "how long will it take? I don't want u getting hurt" I rushed to his side but he placed a hand on my shoulder "I'm a psychic remember? I'll be fine. I'll tell you later" I nodded and sighed "alright, just don't fight anyone... If that's the case! If not then good luck" I didn't wanna bother him anymore so I closed the door and sighed "what's wrong (y/n)?" Asuka asked me as she walked hand in hand with hika "Kusuo got a text and didnt wanna show me... And then he took off"

"Don't worry (n/n), he'll explain things later when he returns" hika reassured "yeah your right... So anyways, what's our punishment?"

Kusuo's pov
I arrived at the park. The place where I've been told to meet at. I stood in the middle and looked up at the moon "(y/n)"

"Never take it off, alright?"

"I promise, and if I do. Then you can hate me as much as you want"

"Kusuo, I could never hate you. And it's not like you'd actually take it off"

I felt my empty wrist, it felt cold and empty. I don't even know what happened to my bracelet. I just wanted to be her sun, the brightest star in the sky. I just never thought that it would die.

"Thank you for coming" a voice spoke behind me. I turned around and gazed at the person.

They're here.

The suspense is killing y'all I know. Your gonna have to wait a while tho because I am babysitting now and also I still have that webcomic project I've been working on. So yeah, and I also got school on top of that; so wayyy less  time. But I'm thankful that some of you stuck around. Thanks, it means a lot. Especially right now where I've been feeling unappreciated and like no one takes me seriously, so I'm glad you've stuck around.


𝒮𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝒢𝒾𝓇𝓁 | saiki k x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora