Would you be so kind? -doodie

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   It was finally the day I've been waiting for. Tonight underneath the fireworks, I'll kiss kusuo on the lips and confess to him for reals. I'm dressed up in our traditional wear and go downstairs with hika "wow (y/n) you look amazing" they complimented me "thank you hika, where's Asuka?" I ask them "oh she's on her way" I nodded "could you help me with my hair?" I asked her and she nodded.

She did my hear up and tied it with a (color) ribbon. I thanked her and before I could check on how I look, our doorbell rung. I answered the door expecting Asuka, but my heart fluttered when I saw it was kusuo. And he looked dashing I must say "thank you, my mom picked it out" I feel my face warm and step to the side.

"Sai-duck you looking rather spiffy" they teased "yeah well you could look better"

"That was uncalled for, sai-duck" they rolled their eyes "respect your elders" they flicked his forehead "respect my personal space" he retorted "okay but (y/n) can get all up in it?" They rebuttled "yeah" he pulled me into him "what about it?" His hand on my shoulder and the other was around my waist.

"Oh my, is it hot in here. I should let some air in" right as I opened the door Asuka is standing there "oh look at that, askua's here. We should get going"

"What's wrong (y/n)? Do I make you nervous?" He asked me "no no, it's not that" boy doesn't know he makes my stomach do cartwheels "do I? I didn't know I had that effect on you" he got super close to my face "yes you do, now stop" if my face goes any redder I might look angry or look like I'm about to faint. He smiled in a victorious satisfaction and went back next to me.

He must love seeing me suffer "it's not that, it's just that your too cute that it makes me want to mess with you" I crossed my arms and looked away "you two are gross" hika butted in "well why don't you go with your girlfriend?" He offered and she scoffed "maybe I will, come on Asuka, we're leaving" I sighed and turned to him "what are we doing first?" He asked me "well how about playing the booth games, and then eating, and then the fireworks?" I asked him "sounds like a plan"  I nodded and pull him to one of the booths.

"I'm gonna win that bear for you okay kusuo?" I asked him "I'll be watching" I took the ball and tried making it into the hole but it didn't make it, I tried twice more but none of them went in "I only failed because you were looking. You know? You have to look away so I could do it right" he rolled his eyes "it's my turn, and don't look away" I nodded and watched him. He made all three balls in the holes.

"Congratulations sir, you won this bear" the guy at the booth untied a bear and gave it to him "way to go saiki, you most definitely didn't cheat" I congratulated him with a hint of sarcasm. He handed me the bear and I looked at him "you can have it, Snorlax needs a friend" I looked at the brown bear, I nodded and thanked him for it.

We played a couple more games, he gave me three more bears. It was all too much to carry he he held two. Afterwards we ate food, we finished up and now it was the time I waited for the whole day.

"Come on saiki, I know the perfect place we could watch the fireworks" I took his hand and lead him to a beautiful spot with a perfect view. I sat down and he sat there next to me "so ... there was something I've been meaning to ask you"

Saiki's pov.

Her tone changed and I couldn't read what's on her mind.

"What is it?" I asked her, hoping it's nothing too serious. I feel her hands grab mines, she looked into my eyes. Her usual gaze turned into one of longing, so many emotions are in her eyes reminding me of a thousand stars.

"I love you"

Those words linger in my mind, I knew we cared about each other. And we have this thing where we feel the love for each other, but I don't think either of us ever said it out loud, and not in this way either.

"Every time I'm with you I feel like a lovefool, and that's alright because with you it just feels natural, so natural that it's surreal. And I want you to know that if you don't love me the same it's alright, I won't overstep my boundaries"

I softly smiled, not saying a word I pulled her in and planted a kiss on her lips. She leaned in and kissed me back, and it stayed that way for a minute until we flinched. Looking up at the sky we saw the loud fireworks light up the sky.

"Sorry, the loud noise scared me"

"I love you too (y/n)"

(Y/n) pov

  It was like euphoria, the way those words rolled off his tongue. I glanced over to him to see him staring at me, I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. Who knows what would happen next, but what we know for sure is that we'll be together.

We were ready to leave and we met hika at the entrance "hey, how was your night?" Asuka asked us "it was wonderful" they looked down to our hands "did you finally ask the million dollar question?" Hika asked us "well technically no, but I did proclaim my love to him"

"Silly girl, you forgot to ask the million dollar question" he mocked me in a very seductive voice, sending shivers down my spine.

"Do you want to go out with me?" I asked him, staring in his soft eyes. The same eyes that have been watching over me since I was young, the same eyes I've always seen. Yet now there's something else that wasn't there before.

"I would love to" he placed his palm against my cheek and pulled me into him, a soft simple kiss was placed on my lips.

Happier days start now.

"How did you enjoy the simulation?" I removed my helmet and handed it back "it was amazing! The fact that you successfully put me into an anime world! And the graphics were so good!" They laughed "I've gone in at least 5 times, each time it was different. This really is the scenario you wanted?" They asked me "yeah, it's like a change of pace but not a change of pace. I also never been to sleepovers with people"

"I could see, project 0775 was a success!"

That's all folks!

The whole simulation thing may or may not be a joke (depending on how y'all take it) if you are unsatisfied I will gladly do one last ending special. Also there were quite a few references here.

Examples: "curly hair" is referenced to "long blonde hair" in those fanfics. My logic behind it "what if I don't wanna give long blonde hair, what if I give curly hair and give blonde haired girls a taste of their own medicine?" Also curly comes in a range, I'll let wavy slide.

When kaidou and (y/n) fell in love after one day, that was a Disney reference (princess who falls in love instantly and gets married immediately)

Some heathers references.

Tohru Honda references

"I hate everyone but you"

Songs for titles.

Some other stuff I can't remember.

And some angst because why not.

If your still here hi, thanks for reading my first ever completed fanfiction (the rest are never competed)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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