Dreams- Chloe Moriondo

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His stoic eyes softened and he smiled. Thats what I'm after, the smile in his eyes. I don't know why, but that made me cry. He made his way to me and pulled me into his chest.

"I forgive you (y/n)"

That was it.

That's all it took for me to bawl like a baby. I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his around me, I balled his shirt into my fists and let my salty tears get absorbed into his shirt. I took in his alluring scent of fresh laundry and the familiar scent of his home. I assume he doesn't mind me crying because he is gently stroking my hair.

We sat at the couch and Hika gave me water. I drank it and calmed down. I look at kusuo and once again he smiles "Now that your both besties now, we can kinda talk about the other thing" hika said as they pulled me and kusuo up from the floor.

"Right, kusuo I was wondering if you wanted to go  to the summer festival with me... And watch the fireworks together?" I asked him "yeah, that seems like a good idea" the three of us sat down on the couch and talked the whole night.

   Things went to what would feel like a normal after that, we started talking again and hanging out more often. Some people were kinda shocked as if it happened overnight, and it kinda did. But that didn't stop us, nothing could anymore. Things have been feeling alright for a while, but it all feels like a dream. Like this happened too soon.

Yeah right.

I mean it has been a week and we've caught up and spent almost every minute with each other, like as if I was a scared kid leeched to their parent.

"KUSUOOOO! do you wanna do a sleepover?" I ran to him and jumped on his back "jeez (n/n) you gotta lay off the carbs" he adjusted me to where I was comfortably on his back "how rude kusu, I'm your best friend! Treat me nicer" I whined and nuzzled my face to the crook of his neck "I'd sell you for a coffee jelly"

"...would you really?" I asked him he let out a small chuckle "maybe" I frowned "then I would sell you for your brother" I felt myself fall to the ground "in that case you could walk yourself home" I looked up to see him walking away "wait! Kusuo I was just kidding!" I quickly get up and scurried to him "wai-

I trip on a rock and I closed my eyes and waited for the impact, I didn't feel the floor. Instead I felt a warm squishy yet hard body, I looked up to see saiki holding onto me "never sell me for my brother" I regained my balanced and smiled "I would never sell you for anything kusuo, because you can't belong to anyone else but me! Chats honor!" I swore and took his hand, he smiled and faced the setting sun. Holding a content look on his face, he softly sighed "whatever you say (y/n)"

"You didnt answer my question I asked you earlier. Do you wanna sleepover?" I asked him.

"Hm, I'd have to ask" he replied and I nodded "alright then let's go ask!" I grabbed his hand and rushed us to his house.

We finally stopped at his front door "I could've just teleported us" he opened the gate and I walked in "yeah but where's the fun in that?" I asked him, rolling his eyes he unlocked the door "Ku is that you?" His mom called out "it's been a while since I've been in here. It looks so different now" I looked around and saw that they replaced more than half their furniture "oh (y/n)! Your here!" His mom peeked out the kitchen and rushed over to me "good afternoon Mrs.Saiki"

"Sweetie, I thought I told you before to call me mom" she wrapped me in a warm hug "still? Its been a while" I chuckled "yes still, Come Come your just in time to try this food I made" she brought me to their dining room table and sat me down.

"Sorry about that, she's just very happy" saiki apologized and I shook my head "no no, it's fine. We have time anyways!" She brought us plates and tea. The food looked hot off the stove and delicious.

"Dig in children!" She sat down with her food and tea "thanks for the meal!" I thanked her and began eating my food, the first bite was filled with nostalgia. Reminding me of when we were young kids, when we would do sleep overs at his house.

And speaking of sleepovers "oh Ms.Mom, I was wondering if kusuo could sleep over at my house for the weekend"

"Oh I think that's a wonderful idea! Yes he could sleep over" she chirped "really? You hear that kusuo, she said you could sleep over" I cheered and looked over to him "I could hear her I'm not deaf" he rolled his eyes "be nice kusuo" his mom scolded.

"The food was delicious, thanks again" I thanked her and she waved her hand dismissively "it's no problem dear, I'll wash these dishes. Go help kusuo pack his things" I nodded and followed kusuo upstairs "do you need help?" I asked him "not really, just sit and wait while I pack" I nodded and stiffly sat down on his bed. I looked around his room, it wasn't the same obviously. We obsessed over silly shows as kids and stuck posters up, along with pictures of the two of us. His walls were empty now "hey kusuo?" I grabbed the hem of my skirt "yeah?" He asked me "... Where are the pictures of us?" I asked him, scared of his answer "oh, mom put those back in our photo album" his answer relieved me. I was scared that he threw them away in anger "wait a photo album? How many pictures did we take?" I asked him "too many to remember that's for sure" he zipped up his backpack and turned to me "alright, let's go"

Heyyyy everyone, sorry this one took forever. But like I said, I'm creating a webtoon so I don't have much time for this. But I will try to finish it, there's an estimate of 5 chapters left before the end.

    Xoxo- the author

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