Please don't -mxmtoon

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Saiki pov
Why is today different?

Just last night things were alright. So what happened. It's like the world has dread in the air

'I don't wanna go to school today'

'My boss is gonna yell at me for forgetting to finish my work'

'What if they were right about me'

'I don't wanna see him, he's too clingy'

all these negative thoughts surround me, it's pretty annoying. But there's one that caught my attention. Fujiwaras thoughts are fading, I have the strongest feeling this has to do with her.


"Goodmorning saiki" she waved and gave me a gentle smile, not her usual bubbly one.

Goodmorning Fujiwara-San.

we walked side by side in silence, but this one is an uncomfortable one. Something is bothering her, but I can't hear her thoughts anymore so it's tough to understand.

Did you sleep well?

She flinched a bit but smiled "yeah, I fell asleep fine" her body movement told me she was lying. But I can't know for sure, I'll have to stick with her the whole day to get more evidence.

"Ah, JiJi Goodmorning!" She turned around and spotted kaidou "Goodmorning Kai" she greeted him with the same gentle smile she greeted me with, except Kaidou failed to notice.

We changed our shoes and walked to class in silence. I look to see if she's okay, but her face doesn't seem bothered.

Lunch rolled around and before she got the chance to leave I walked to her side "oh saiki, did you want to join me for lunch?" She asked me and I nodded showing her that I brought my lunch "okay... do you maybe wanna eat on the rooftop?" She asked and I nodded. We walked to the roof together and sat down on the bench "i made the tart with the oranges we got, did you want some?"

I could never pass desserts, I gave her a thumbs up and she softly giggled as she opened the box and sitting there was a perfect tart.

"This was all I brought since I'm not that hungry, so feel free to take as much as you want" she said as she cut herself a small piece.

You need to eat an actual meal.

"But I'm not that hungry" she looked down at the tart "do you want a third of the tart?" She asked and I shook my head

Half and half, your meal and mines.

I opened my bento and she became flustered "we could go halfsies on mines but not yours! I don't wanna take your food from you!" She was embarrassed, it was kinda cute.

I picked up some food and held it to her, she shook her head and declined "no thank you, it's yours so you should eat it"

I'm not taking no for an answer, eat the food.

"I'm sorry but I-

I shoved the food into her mouth and she crossed her arms with a pout "Saiki!" She whined and I smiled "I already said I'm fine"

And I already said we're sharing. I'm not eating till you finish your half.

"Fine" she sighed in defeat as I fed her a bit more "I could feed myself" she swatted my hand away.

If that were true then you'd have a lunch with you.

She was confused for a minute then it hit her "hey!" When she said that I shoved the food into her mouth again. She slouched onto the wall and continued chewing.

'I guess I'm eating food with saiki'

I could hear her thoughts again, clear as day. So what changed? I look at Fujiwara and saw that she was smiling again "feed me saiki!" Yep she's back. I sighed and complied spoon feeding her again.

"Saiki, can I feed you the tart?" She shyly asked with doe eyes.

That won't be necessary.

"Pleaseeeeee? I wanna feed you too" it's disgusting how I can't say no to her face.


She gasped and smiled "yay!" She picked up the pastry "say ahh!" I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth as she gently brought it to my face, I took a bite and sighed in content. Her baking skills are truly something else.

I heard commotion next to me as she moved the food to the side and scooted closer to me, she then wrapped her arms around me "your my friend, right saiki?" She asked. And for once I used my mouth "of course" I liked the warmth she brought, feels like a spring meadow.

"Then, would you ever leave me if something bad happens?" She asked in a low meek tone "not unless you want me to" the love she has for me is growing, I'm glad but at the same time it's a pain.

Our moment was ruined by the bell signaling that the next class was gonna begin.

"Come on, let's go to class" we packed our stuff and made our way down the stairs.


"Saiki, can I ask you a question?"


"Do you believe in rumors?"

"Not really, why do you ask?"

"No reason, just asking?" She won't ask me for 'no reason'

"(Y/n), what's wrong?" I asked her and she stopped walking. Looking at me with wide eyes, she smiled "y-you called me by my first name" she grew a bigger smile "you see me as a best friend!" Her eyes beamed with joy, the stars are trapped in her (e/c) orbs making it easy to get lost in them. By the passing seconds, her love grows. She's radiating pink, but there's an underlying grey.

What's going on?

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