losing you- Boy Pablo

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Vote+comment so I know that y'all are alive.
This whole thing would've been better if I proofread and think things through, thanks to y'all who stick around.

I got acrylics on, so it's gonna be hard to type lol

Hikari P.O.V

I couldn't stay focused on things I needed to do. All I could think about was Fufu, my sweet cousin. How could someone have done that to her.



that explains the hereditary powers.

Still, she was so sad. Pushed past a breaking point.

"HIKA! guess what hika!?" Speaking of her, she jumped on my back. I quickly held onto her "what is it?" I asked her "shun gave me a promise ring! It's practically marriage"

Saiki loved her.

"Fufu,are you sure you wanna be with kaidou? What about saiki?" I asked her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and layed her head on my back "I loved him, but he wasn't mines. He was someone else's, and I can't do that her" I felt water on my back "you can't fight with your heart Fufu, come on... You need a nap" I began walking us up the stairs and to her room "I'm not five anymore Hika, I don't need to nap" she got down from my back and I brought her to her bed "now now Fufu, do you want to watch the moomins?" I asked her "... Yes" I tucked her in and put on the show.

I turned around to leave and she's dead asleep. Now I can go alone.

I put on my angstiest outfit and strolled to his house. I rung the doorbell and his dad opened the door "oh it's hikari, come in" he let me in and I took off my shoes "where's kusuo?" I asked him "he's in his room, go on ahead" I thanked him and made my way to his room. I didn't feel like knocking and opened the door "Candace wants to talk to you" I sat down on his bed.

"What the hell, you can't just barge in here. Good grief"

"Shut up, I need answers. What exactly did you do?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you not remember? I'm pretty sure as a kid you did, that's probably why you were so protective over her. You didn't want anyone hurting her" he gave me the most confused face I've ever seen on him.

"Let me ask you something, did your brain sorta glitch? Like it's trying to make you remember something?" I asked him hoping he'd say yes.

"Yeah, something about remembering"

"So I'm the only one that fully knows. Unbelievable. Let me ask you another thing, at one point did you like (y/n)? Like in a like like way?" I asked him.

"Well yeah, as kids"

I perked up "okay. Now we're getting somewhere, why did you like her?" I asked him. He was thinking about it, trying to remember.

"Think about her, sai-duck. How did she make you feel, what would she say, what would she do?"

"She made me feel like I wanted to protect her, like no one in the world compared to her"

Saiki's POV
   As I said that I had the past flooded into my brain

The train stopped and I waited for her to walk out those doors. After multiple people I spotted her. She spotted me as well as her eyes lit up "KUSU!" she jogged to me and wrapped her arms around me "welcome back Fufu" I wrapped my arms around her too, we stayed like that for a bit and eventually let go  "we gotta go home, mom made dinner" she nodded and took my hand and swinged it while we walked.

We finally made it to my house and mom and dad greeted her with a warm welcome.

"I hope your hungry, I made tonkatsu! I remembered how it was your favorite"  she cheered and we went to eat.

It was bedtime and we had to sleep, she creeped her way next to me on my bed "what are you doing?" I asked her "I wanna sleep in your room, the guest bedroom is cold. Yours is warm"  I rolled my eyes and scooted over for her. She layed down and put her blanket over here "hey kusu?" She called to me "yeah?" I asked her "we'll always be together forever right?" She asked me "of course. nothing can keep us apart, not even distance" I said as I pulled her closer "what about if you end up liking someone else?" She asked me "your my favorite person in the world. Not even a perfect and pretty girl can compare to you"

"And what If someone does come and steal you?" She asked me "well then, that would make me an idiot for thinking that someone could replace you"  it went silent before she wrapped her arms around me and I did her.

That was the night before we went to an amusement park, I remember the fun we had. And the love I had for her. Now that question is repeating in my brain "why do you love her?"

I loved her because...

"Her life depended on it" I said out loud. Immediately everything rushed back into my head causing me to hold it in pain.

How could I have forgotten?

Why did I forget?

She liked me and I liked her, I liked her so much that I didn't want to see her dead. I wanted her to have the life she deserved, the life she pictured having.

"I'm an idiot" I let someone replace her. And how did that happen?

"How did I forget?" I asked them. They thought for a minute "it could be that she was a priority to you, and she was close enough for you to keep an eye on. But I guess the distance changed that, and through time you slowly forgot the whole reason you reset the world. And then fell in love with someone else because you forgot how much you loved her, but that's just a theory"

"Well you can't just break it off with Mikoto, she is your girlfriend after all" they sighed "actually I can easily break up with her and alter her memories to forget we ever dated" they deadpanned "you and (y/n) are so different- oh speaking of her, what do we do about kaidou?" They asked me "we could also alter their memories"

"That's gonna make me feel guilty... We tell no one" they said and I nodded In agreement.

Make the comments like chaotic kindergartners during recess.

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