These Days- wallows

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It's been three years since I've seen kusu. I actually lost touch along the way, it's kinda sad honestly. Hika met a girl and they fell in love, meanwhile I'm a third wheel. I'm not mad, just kinda desperate for love. Ther was one guy who almost made it, but I just didn't really feel it for him. Like yes he was cute and popular, but he's not what I want.

Mama and papa said we're moving back to our old home, I was pleasantly shocked to say the least. I know I haven't talked to him for like a whole year and a quarter, but I wanna surprise kusu. I hope he's happy to see me, and maybe we could even talk at a restaurant to catch up!

I know it's sudden, but like time skip to your meeting with saiki

I unpacked the last box and sighed contently. My old room is my room once again. I flopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, being back here is so nostalgic. The childhood memories came back to me as I imagined myself as my childhood self in my childish room.

Now then... Time to hunt for saiki!

I ring the doorbell and saiki's mom answered the door "oh my goodness, look how much you've grown!" She immediately wrapped me in a hug "honey look who's here!" She called to her husband "I'm coming just give me a-

OH MY YOUR SO BIG NOW" They invited me inside. We talked for a good minute, they asked me how it was and I told them a good majority of it. She told me kusu's whereabouts, I thanked her and made my merry way.

I finally went to where they said he might be at. I walked in the grocery store and looked through the isles. I saw his familiar green antennas and I smiled, I quietly walked up to him and covered his eyes "guess who!" I cheered "could you let go?" He asked "nope! Not until you guess who I am" I giggled.

"Mikoto?" He asked "what?no!" I remove my hands and wrapped them around his waist " look at my wrist" I pointed out and heard him gasp.

"(Y/n)?" He asked "I missed you kusu" he turned around and hugged me back "I missed you too" we stayed in the hug for a while. Not daring to let go and just savoring the moment.

"Kusuo I grabbed the-

Uh, who's this?" A voice said from behind me. I lifted my head from his chest to see a girl with willow hair and tanned skin "hello! I'm fujiwara (y/n)! Kusuo's childhood friend, It's a pleasure to meet you!" I greeted her "I'm Aiura Mikoto, kusuo's girlfriend"

It felt like time stopped when she said girlfriend. Why did it hurt me, it's not like I like him that way. I guess its just the betrayal that I'm not most important in his life. But it can't be helped, he's my best friend and I must support him at all costs

"Your his girlfriend!? How wonderful! I recently moved here, so I'm glad to see he was living life. I haven't contacted him for a whole year so it's a pleasant surprise that he's dating someone" I explained to her with a smile "oh yeah, we've been dating for six months!" She cheered and clinged on to his arm.

The arms that just hugged me.

"Well that's nice, I was gonna ask you kusu. Did you and your family want to come to our house and eat dinner with us? I'm baking macaroons since hika requested them, Mikoto your more than welcome to come!" I invited them

"I'll be there" kusu said and Mikoto nodded in agreement "super! Well it was nice catching up, but I gotta go grab some stuff for tonight. And then I gotta make the pastries and it's just a bit too much but it's fine because I'm tough and strong" arythhmia can't stop me! I waved them goodbye and made my way once again.

After getting the things I needed, I realized this was all too much for me to carry. My arms were already cramping with the weight of these bags. I stopped for a minute and when I did someone grabbed most of my bags, I look up to the culprit to see a muscular kid with red hair "do you need some help with your things?" They asked me and I nodded "yes thank you, I could've died if I've gone any farther" I grabbed the two bags he left me and began walking with him "nonsense, you always gotta push yourself to become better to reach your goals" he lectured and I sighed "I have arythhmia" he went silent and muttered a single "oh" I giggled "it's fine, I actually didn't mind being lectured like a normal person" a smile spread onto his face "my name is hairo" he greeted me "I'm fujiwara! I came back home after five years in tokyo" hairo listened intently, it was good that he did.

"What school did you plan on going to?" He asked me "oh well P.K Academy" he perked at the name of the school "oh no way, that's my school!" He cheered and I smiled "woah, so cool. We could be friends! Unless If you don't want to it's fine" he laughed "we could totally be friends" I smiled warmly and thanked him for his help "oh we're at your place already? Wow that was fast" I nodded and waved him goodbye as I hauled the stuff in bag by bag.

I began making the pastries, it took a while but they've been perfected and baked. I was about to eat one when mom walked into the kitchen "sweetie I need you to set up the patio, we'll be eating outside since the weather is perfect" I nodded and put the pastries aside as I set up the table for our food. Everything was done and it was time for kusu and his family to come. Speaking of kusu the doorbell rung and I opened the door "hello welcome everyone, come inside" the four of them made their way inside and to the back where it was all set up "wow this brings back memories" Kusuo's family + Mikoto sat down on seats. Hika greeted kusu and Mikoto. When they finished they pulled me aside "how do you feel?" They asked me worried "I feel fine, why what's the problem?" I asked them "because sai-duck is dating someone else" I rolled my eyes "everything's fine, don't worry"

We all sat down and began catching up as we ate food "sai-duck, remember when you wanted to marry Fufu" he choked on his food "hika! I'm so sorry kusu" I face palmed "oh I remember that! Oh it was so cute, hikari didn't want her to get married" not kusu's mom!

"That's enough everyone, I made macaroons!" I handed everyone a macaroon in hopes that they shut up. I didn't like the way Mikoto looked at hika and I didn't like the way hika looked at her.

Oh boy...

Hey y'all, don't forget to vote so I know ur still here.

Sorry forgive my daddy issues.

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