Chapter 4

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Another week passed and more cases started to pile in and I must admit this man is a genius.

"Didn't you said he won 30 cases?" I asked .

"Oh no those were his criminal cases. He's prolly done more than a 100 now. I was talking about the criminal cases." She said.

"Wait so he saved criminals." I asked .

"He never takes a case if they are wrong. That's why he has a lot of enemies." She said.

"Really?" I asked .

"Excuse me miss, I want to meet Mr.Singh." He said.

"Sure. You can meet him. Do you have an appointment?" I asked.

"No it's very important. You need to let me in." He said .

"I'm sorry but I don't think you have permission." I said.

"Well give me permission then!" He said.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Security!" I screamed for security.

When the two men came inside, they walked near him to pull him out but that's when the man pulled out a knife.

"Mr.Singh get your ass here!" He screamed.

"Can't you see, he's with a client. Get the hell away. Why don't you book an appointment like every one else?" I asked.

"You're talking too much." He said as he pushed me over and started walking toward Siddharth's doors.

"Hey! I'm not allowed to let you at all!" I said as Priya tried to pull me away but I stood there cause Maya isn't afraid of anything.

The man glared at me and brought the knife so close to me. I suddenly felt an arm wrapping around my waist, moving me to the side.

"Who the hell are you?" Siddharth shouted as I looked at him from the side.

His one arm were still wrapped around me. His other hand was gripping the other man's hand making him drop the knife.

He soon removes his hands off of me and start to beat the other guy. Tho his hands had left my waist ages ago I could still feel the trace of where his fingers had been.

What the hell Maya. You're falling for him for no reason. I know you check out just about anybody but please don't ruin it! I beg you.

"Tell me!! Who are you and who sent you?" He asked.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you who sent me. Plus it's too late." He said.

"What's too late?" I asked.

"The clients. Who were already in with you...they are our people. We have stolen your file and they are gone. I was to distract all of you." The man said.

"What the hell?" I said as I turned around and looked at Siddharth and Priya. Priya was shocked but there was no emotions seen on Siddharth's face.

Ok people. This man doesn't have feelings.

I ran toward the direction they ran a few mins back. I thought they ran away cause of the man with the knife. Whomever this man was, he follows us and though I don't really like Siddharth, I'm with him on this and I'll find who this bastard is and stab him.

The people were gone. No trace of them at all.

I walked back to where everyone else was standing. Priya was calling the cops.

"Hello sir," she started

yes please come fast." She said.

"Security, keep him in the room till the police get here." Siddharth said as he turned around .

"Sir, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let them in." I said.

"Get back to work." He said in a firm voice.

"Sir, can't we just find those people? Like with the cctv footage?" I asked following him .

"Will you just shut up and continue what you were already doing?" He shouted this time.

"Maya, come here." Priya pulled my arms as he closed the door and left.

"I feel so guilty." I said.

"He didn't fire you so he's not super mad at you. Prolly cause of the way you were guarding his room tho the man had a knife." She said .

I didn't want to mess with siddharth today and he didn't even want any of us in his cabin at all today. I know he's mad at me but Vignesh uncle is the only reason why he didn't fire me.

I got home and couldn't stop thinking about the file and the man. How people were so sneaky enough to do something like this.

"This is the end of him. If he messes with me one more time, I do not know what I'll do with him." Siddharth was screaming on the phone as I entered.

Priya wasn't here today. I walked inside casually to check on the files and he looked at me.

His stare was enough to make me stop functioning .

"Maya. Could you do me a favor?" He asked.

"Yes sir, what is it?" I asked.

"Go to the police station and pickup this report. I have a few important work here." He said.

"Oh ok sir." I said.

"Don't screw this up. It's very important and I got nobody else to ask right now. Priya won't be here today." He said.

"Oh." I said.

"Sir, I'll make sure to bring the reports to you even if it meant sacrificing my life." I said as his face turned into a smile.

Damnnn. Mr.I've never smiled in my life is finally smiling and this is because of Maya Ravikumar. I should be in the genus records.

"Really? Why are you so dramatic about everything?" He asked returning back to the straight face he always had.

"Well why are you so serious about everything?" I asked.

"Get to work. Stop wasting my time." He said as he looked down and started to stare at his files again.

"How rude." I said as I walked away.

When I got to the police station, the officer was already waiting for me. He handed me the report as I looked at it.

It had a girl's name on it. Would it hurt looking inside? No right. He will never know.

I sat inside my car and started to read it. Suddenly, I felt a man knock on my glass window.

I put the file away to the other side and pulled down the window. He suddenly started to chock me. Right in front of the the police station.

Some of the cops ran toward him and I somehow manage to start the car.

As I started to drive, he left the grip and plus the police were already pulling on him.

I pulled up the window and speeded toward the office.

Suddenly I got a call from Siddharth. Shit he prolly found out.

"Hello sir, the report is fine. I got it and I'm coming". I said as soon as I attended the call.

"Are you.... alright!" He asked.

Wait did I hear it right? He asked if I was alright? I thought he would be mad at me about the report.

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