Chapter 13

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Siddharth POV:

Maya is leaving to india this morning and I already know how much I'm gonna miss her. She was here with me for just a week but I can't live without her. She has became my addiction in a way.

This santhosh isn't planning on stopping his fraud anytime soon so I need to be careful. I have been careful for the most part but what if something happen?

This case was about a girl who was raped but they made it look like a suicide. I have found a few evidence to the fact that this was a rape but who raped her is still a mystery.

"Siddharth...are you not coming with me to the airport?" Maya asked.

"I wish I could but I don't think I can." I said.

"It's alright." She said hiding her disappoint.

"So who's driving me there?" She asked.

Oh right! Her car is damaged into pieces with the accident.

"On second thought, come I'll take you. It's not like it's gonna take a long time will it?" I asked as I started to take her luggage.

"I'll take that." She tried to take it from my hands.

"No, it's fine." I said as i put the luggages in the back of the car.

"What about the date?" She asked as I turned around and smiled.

She still didn't forget.

"What date?" I asked.

"Alright, Suit yourself." She said as I started to laugh.

"But it was a promise?" I said.

"After I come back?" She asked.

"Alright. When are you coming back!" I asked.

"I don't know. I'll stay there till I feel like it." She said.

"I'll prolly be done with the case by then." I said.

"Yes, I'll be done with mine too." She said.

"What?" I asked.

"Uhh...I mean...visiting my family." She said.

Something from what she said didn't look right but I'll let it pass.

"We continued driving till we reached the airport. When we got to the drop off place, she told me to stop yet i wanted to go in there with her.

"I'll park in the parking lot." I said as I continued to drive.

"Hey...then I will have to walk all the way up there." She said.

"You're so lazy." I said with a smile.

"Oh shit up. I'm leaving." She said opening the door.

"Wait." I said as I pulled her wrist.

"I'll miss you." I said.

The next thing that happened caught me off guard. She pulled on my tie and brought me closer to her and crashed her lips on mine.

This girl never forgets to amaze me each and every time.

When she ran out of breath. She pulled away and refused to look into my eyes.

"Bye." She said not even looking me in the eye.

"Heyyy...wait!" I said before he could move.

"I think I'm getting late." She said.

"No you're not. You still got plenty of time." I said.

"What was that? You were brace enough to kiss me and now you don't even want to look at me?" I asked.

"It's...I.." she looked up.

"I never knew Maya could be shy." I said.

"I said I'm getting late." She said.

"Alright. I'll come with you?" I asked.

"No it's fine." She said.

"Doesn't really hurt coming." I said.

"The king of punctuality is gonna be late for work!" She said with a smile.

"Who cares. It's my office." I said.

"You've changed. To the point where I can barely recognize the old Siddharth." She said.

"Only because of you." I said.

"Do you need to go?" I asked.

"Yes. Finish the case first." She said.

"True. You're going to be a huge distraction if you were here." I said as she blushed.

"Ok..." she said as she took her luggage and I took the other and walked with her.

After she left, I headed to the office. I honestly couldn't even stop thinking about her at all all day. It's as if a big chunk of my heart was gone.

This is what love does to you. I never realized till I fell in love myself.

I started to get to work on the case.

Sithara. Her name was sithara. She was only a 17 year old girl. Her organs were damaged to the point where the rapist's dna sample cannot be taken from.

I still remember the day her mother had cried coming to my office. Her mother suspects Adithya Vasudevan. But Adhi isn't the type of person who would rape a girl and get in trouble for that. He would rather commit big crimes and never get caught.

It was Vikram who was in charge of this case and Vikram being my close friend, I was able to get a lot of the info that is important for this case even with Santhosh's tortures.

"Sir, Vikram sir had been trying to call you." Priya walked into my office.

"Oh, my phone was on silent. I'll call him." I said as I reached for my phone.

I picked it up and called vikram.

"Hey Vikram. Any new leads?" I asked.

"There is! It's not Adhithya. That's for sure. Cause the day the gir went missing, Adhithya was at a meeting and he had no access to cellphone nor outside world cause the mafia that he works with doesn't allow cellphones inside their building." Vikram said.

"So it's not Adhithya?" I asked.

"Then why is santhosh with him?" I asked.

"Santhosh surely does know who is guilty for this but he wouldn't let us know. They are just using Adhithya." Vikram said.

"If he's using Adhithya, this person must be someone bigger than than Adhithya." I said.

"That's also what I had been thinking too." Vikram said.

"Let's get to work. Sithara works at Adhithya's house. So whoever this rapist is must have found her through Adhithya." I said.

"Yes. So we're gonna have to go through all the people who had been to his house that day. The day she was missing. Remember the cameras do not work a week before the rape date. So that means this person had already planned it a week before." Vikram said.

"Aight go figure that out, the case is this next Monday. We need to have enough evidence." I said.

"I'm on it Sid. Don't worry." He said.

"Ok so we're gonna have to keep this all confidential from Santhosh and figure this out." I said,

"Ok then, you carry on. We'll get this straight soon." He said as he cuts the call.

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