Chapter 20

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Our nice moment was ruined as grandma knocked on the door.

Fuck I was all wet and he was standing there with his half wet T-shirt. She is gonna know and she told me to keep away from him till the wedding in a few days.

I quickly ran to the closet and pulled on a dress after peaking the whole saree off.

Grandma walked in and looked at me astonished.

"You look very beautiful in this dress." She said as she looked at Siddharth.

"What are you doing here?" She asked,

"Nothing much. Just came here and she was having a shower and..." he started.

"You two don't have to hide a thing. She is wet and so are you. I mean you guys are already married. But please don't take it to the next level till the wedding. That's very important. You two are married but there is this curse that runs in the family and if we don't do a Pooja for it, it can be very dangerous for either one of you." She said.

"A curse?" I asked.

"Yes," she said as she walked away.

"What even is the curse?" I asked.

"I don't know but some lady died and I believe one of the kings or whatever is responsible for it," he said.

"Who? What? Where and and why?" I asked,

"Some lady, Idek what happened. Near the pool and idk why either." He said.

"The pool?" I asked,

"Yes the pool." He said.

" does that mean..." I was getting scared second by second.

"It means nothing. Grandma doesn't know what she is doing. Even if I wanted to take it to the next step, you would not even want me to so why is she even having this conversation with us?" He asked and walked away.

"Siddharth!!" I ran after him and pulled his arm.

"I'm sorry...I don't even know how to explain any of this. Like I'm scared." I said.

"Scared of what? You were scared of this marriage and you still are? You know I will not leave you no matter what." He said,

"Not that!" I said.

"Then?" He asked.

"Uhhh I'm scared about sex." I said as he stared at me.

"What?" He asked.

"I've heard in movies and stuff. That it hurts. This one girl in college. She was talking about how she wasn't a virgin nomore and that she felt like a bunch of pins were stabbing her in her shit." I said.

"You are unbelievable. Once again the brave Maya is proven to be scared." He said.

"Shut up." I said.

"I'm sure it's not as bad as the girl told you. Look we're not gonna force anything and what I said, just don't mind me alright. Ik for the fact that one day you will be ready." He said.

"I only all girls got a husband like you." I said.

A whole week passed and the wedding preparations were starting.

The day of our haldi, I walked up to Siddharth's room and found Vignesh uncle sitting there.

"Mama!" I ran to him. (Mama - uncle in tamil.)

"Maya!" He hugged me back.

He was the only family I had. Siddharth was smiling at me,

"Maya. Remember I said I had a surprise for you? Vignesh uncle brought it. You want to see now?" He asked.

"What? What is it?" I asked very curious.

"Maya!" I heard Theepan's voice.

"Theepan!!" I ran up to him hugged his life out.

My brother was still alive! He wasn't dead. And behind him, I found my mom walking toward me.

"I'm not dreaming am I?" I asked.

"You're not dreaming Maya. This is for real." Theepan said.

"Amma!!" I cried hugging here.

Where is Appa?

Suddenly I saw a women pushing a wheelchair where my dad was sitting.

I was shocked and sad to see him in that position but at the same time, I was happy they were still alive,

"You all are alive? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked hugging dad.

"It was safer for all of us and especially you Maya." Dad said.

"But you know how much I cried? I felt like a dead person for the first few days and if it was wasn't for Siddharth..,,," I paused.

"Siddharth?" I said looking at him.

"Thank you so much? You have me my family back!" I ran over and hugged him.

He lifted me up in front of my whole family.

"Maya. We knew about you wedding. We couldn't come Maya. I knew how sad it would have been for you." Amma said.

"But now you are all here." Siddharth said.

"Thank you so much. I didn't think you were going to my son in law when I sent her over to you. But you protected her more than how I would have protected her." My Appa said.

"Yeah. Well we're here for your wedding now. It's time to enjoy. Let the first wedding me something more like an engagement or something." Theepan said.

The haldi function and the mehendi finction all happened in a fast pace. The whole broth indian wedding custom was completely new to me.

Tomorrow was our wedding and I didn't know who I kept blushing 24/7.

"Thinking about me?" I heard siddharth's voice.

"You're so stupid. Why would I be thinking about you huh?" I asked.

"Whatever. Grandma told you to wear this." He said as he handed me a threat.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's for safety." He said.

"Safety of what?" I asked.

"Huh? Our Safety. Just wear it already." He said.

"Fine," I said as I took the thread from his hand. His hands were so cold for some reason.

"Why are your hands so cold?" I asked.

"Why does that matter?" He asked.

"Why the hell are you shouting? Yours starting to change." I said.

"Well, just wear is already." He said.

"Fine." I said as I wrapped it around my wrist to tie it but it fell to the ground and I kneeled down to pick it up.

And within just second, he ran away and disappeared.

"What the hell is happening?" I shouted.

"What are you doing here?" I heard Siddharth's voice behind me.

"Are you playing some stupid drama with me or what?" I asked.

"Drama? What drama?" He asked.

"You told me to wear this and then..." I showed him the thread but it wasn't in my hand nomore. It disappeared. What the hell?

"Wear what?" He asked.

"I swear something is happening to me." I thought to myself.

"Nothing." I said as I walked back to my room.

"Maya!" He said.

"Siddharth. I think I have some kind of mental disorder." I said.

"You just noticed?" He asked.

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