Chapter 17

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Maya POV:

As soon as I saw him, I ran toward him to hug him. But his next move caught me off guard.

He slapped me. What the hell? Wasn't he supposed to be happy that got his family back to him?

I mean yes it was weird trying to explain who I was to his brother but he was a nice man and he let me in.

I called Siddharth to ask him to come but I knew he wouldn't so made a drama.

Tears started to run down my eyes. He didn't even wait for me. He turned around and started walking away.

"Siddharth!!" I yelled behind him.

"Siddharth?" His grnadmother walked toward him.

"He's here." She told Vijay.

"Siddharth? You're finally here!" Vijay was more than happy.

"Look. I don't understand what you want to do with me. Just leave her alone from all your drama." He said.

"What?" Vijay asked.

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"Could you shut up? Who the hell told you to come here?" He shouted at me.

"I wanted you to be happy." I said.

"Happy? Did you even know what happened? You should have asked me." He was shouting now.

"As if you were gonna answer me in the first place." I said.

"Do you really expect me to come save you every time you do something so stupid? Why do you act so dumb?" He was beyond mad.

"I didn't do anything stupid." I said.

"Then why the hell did you..." he paused.

"What is happening here? The marriage? I heard the announcements" he said.

"It's for your marriage. Maya told us everything, and we wanted to get you two married in front of us and the whole villiage." Vijay said.

"What the hell are you acting for? I don't need any piece of shot from this kingdom. I have my own palace." He said.

"I think you misunderstood..." Vijay started.

"Siddharth. I sent you away too soon. I didn't know the reason behind why vinay killed kaling. Vijay was never after the money. It was kaling." His grandma said.

"What?" Siddharth asked.

"So, after our parents got divorced, I tried to get them back together but they just wouldn't listen. Kaling wanted to kill both you and I so that he I'll already be in power. I came to know and started to fight with him and in the end one day, he came into your bedroom to kill you but I found out and kicked him outside. I was not going to kill him Sidhu... He fell into the sword and died." Vijay said.

"Then why do you say that it's under grandma's rule but you're ruling?" Siddharth asked.

"Cause we cleave enemies. They should never find out!"'Vijay said.

"But tell me Siddharth. Was there ever any injustice happening in this villiage?" Vijay asked.

"I'm not sure but I refuse to believe you for some reason." He said.

"Siddharth. I promise he's saying the truth. I sent you away thinking you were the one who was in danger but Vijay only protected you. He's your brother. Why would he kill you?" Grandma asked.

"I'm...sorry Bhai." Siddharth said.

"Sidhu!! I missed you so much but I knew you would come back!" Vijay ran to him and hugged him.

After their brother moment, I decided to leave them in peace since grandma also left them alone. I walked into the room and sat down thinking about everything that had just happened.

Suddenly the doors swing open revealing my husband.

"Maya!" He started.

"Don't talk to me!" I said.

"I'm sorry!" He said.

"That's not enough." I said.

"Then is this enough?" He asked as he pulls me toward him and kissed my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry for Slapping you and I'm so sorry for everything. Thank you so much!" He said.

"I don't care." I said as I pulled away and started to walk away.

"Oh my god! Stop your drama already!" He said hugging me.

"Drama? You think I'm acting?" I asked.

"Oh my god! Maya! It's a huge mistake alright? You're the most intelligent person I've ever seen." He said as I hid my smile.

"Shut up." I said pulling away.

"You're the most..." he started.

"Fine, get lost." I said.

"But this is my room." He said.

"Yeah I know. Especially these." I said as I showed him an album filled with his baby pictures.

"Oh god! No you didn't see that!" He snatched it from me.

"Yes I did! Especially those diapers pics." I started laughing.

"Diaper pictures?" He asked.

"Yes diaper pictures." I said,

""So snatching this from you now doesn't rest do much?" He asked.

"Nope, it's already saved on my phone." I said.

"Wait...what about the phone call 2 days ago?" I asked.

"Oh that, well, I came here in search of your family. When I told your brother that you were my husband, he did not believe it and sent his men to put me in jail cause he thought I came here to destroy your kingdom or something." I said.

"What? See, this is why you are supposed to tell me everything before you do it. You know what happened with.." he started.

"I'm trying to forget that." I said.

"Ok go on." He said.

"Then I called you for help but I realized you already found out somehow. Your grandmother came to me and I showed her your pics and even your calls. I told her everything and she believed me. I knew you would come here so we waited for you." I said.

"If something had happened to you, I would have destroyed them all." He said.

"You would do that for me?" I asked.

"Yes, and even I have a surprise for you." He said.

"A surprise?" I asked.

"Yes a surprise." He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"How about I say it's a wedding gift?" He asked.

"Ok what even is it?" I asked.

"Not telling you till in 2 days." He said.

"Have I ever told you how much I hate you?" I asked.

"Yes, you have." He said.

"Well I'm telling you again. I hate you!" I said as I tried to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he pulled on my wrist.

"Outside." I said.

"How could you leave your poor husband like this? I just came." He whined,

Damnnn!! He looks so cute when he whines.

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