Chapter 15

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Siddharth POV.

I couldn't believe she just embarrassed herself in front of  vikram. He made me not say anything just to see what she does and she starts flirting with me.

It was cute but with Vikram in the middle, it didn't go so well.

When I asked for her family's number she started to hesitate. What was the big deal in giving me her family member's number?

Wait did she not tell them about our marriage? Was this where she went wrong? Ok who cares. I need to make sure she is safe. Maybe I should sent a guard with her? Why didn't I think of this before?

She wouldn't even tell me about her whereabouts. She told me she would text me and ended the call.
This was very off.

Vikram and I were so close to finding the culprit. We pretty much know who it is too but we're not so sure.

"Honestly, if it's actually him, I would want to kick him in the dick." Vikram said.

"Oh no, he deserved something much worst." I said.

"How do we even find out it's him for sure?" Vikram asked.

"We'll cross question him." I said.

"Yo he's with Santhosh. How do you expect him to let it out?" He asked.

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"We need to take this from another angle. We can't say it's him during the case. I think I have an idea." I said.

"We still have time. Think about what you're gonna say cause everything depends on you." He said.

"Santhosh is gonna fight for Adhi and he is trying to close the case when they find out Adhithya isn't the murderer but we need to get in there and prove that it wasn't Adhithya but his dad." I said.

"Winning a case isn't new to you Sid! Don't worry, we will sent all of them to jail." Vikram said.

Then it was the day of the hearing. Maya called me that morning and wished me luck. This girl amazes me say by day. Wish she was here but she has something else to be doing.

I couldn't pay a lot of gentian on what she's doing now, the case is more important. If she does something stupid, then she knows this husband will come save her.

"Your honor, I want to make a point here that according to the evidences I have found, Adhithya was not the rapist but he has a huge role in hiding the murder." I said.

I looked at santhosh's face a bit shocked.

Did he not think the great criminal lawyer Siddharth wasn't gonna find out? Just because he sent in different angles of view for no reason I was able to catch the point. He's reign to distract me.

"Yes you may proceed with the evidence." The judge said.

"First I would like to call Adhithya." I said.

Soon Adhithya came and he stood there as if he had seen a ghost.

"So Mr.Adhithya Vasudevan." I said.

"May I k ow what you were doing the night after the rape and murder?" I asked.

"I was at this meeting and I didn't even have access to anything. I have proof to how I wasn't using my phone at all that day." He said.

"But that doesn't mean you didn't use another person's phone is it?" I asked trying to make him think he's gonna win this.

He smiled thinking I never found out. The truth was he didn't have his phone that day and he didn't know anything about the murder till he got home the next day.

"I'll like to call Mr.Vasudevan." I said.

"What? Why?" Adhithya was shocked.

Nobody knew we were bringing him. Not even the old man.

We got his car to stop working so he took the taxi that came by and guess who's man that was?

"I didn't do anything, why am I here?" He shouted.

"We never said you did anything mr." I said.

"You honor, mr. Singh is trying to divert the case since he himself has already said Athithya didn't commit the crime."

"I would like to finish inquiring Mr.Vasudevan." I said.

"Alright, you may proceed." The judge gave me permission,

"Where were you on January 25?" I asked.

"I was at my son's house. I just came home from india." He said.

"I even have my ticked to prove it. Why does that have to matter?" He asked.

"Sithara is a house maid at Adhithya's house. Adhithya is never around either." I said.

"Just cause she is my son's house maid doesn't make him the criminal!" Vasudevan said.

"I never said your son had anything to do with the murder." I said.

"Then why are we even here?" He asked.

"Because I have a strong evidence." I said.

"I would like to call up Ms. Vaishnavi."I said as the girl walked by.

"Please tell everyone what happened that night. Don't be afraid." I said.

"I was scared because I've heard these men are dangerous." She said.

"You do not have to worry. We will give you protection from these men if your statement is nothing but truth." The judge said.

"Ok...thank you sir... it was night time and my car broke down. I was waiting for my father to come pick me up. I heard some sound so I walked to the side and see a few men digging a hole. This old man was there too and he paused them after they buried the girl's body." She said.

"Can you tell us who the other men were?" I asked.

"Yes, they are all dead. But I took a picture of them burying her. I have it now."she said.

"The picture is over here, your honor." I said.

After reviewing the picture, he looked up at santhosh.

"Do you have anything to add?" He asked.

"Sir, what is the proof that they were not burying something else and it was the girl's dead body?" Santhosh asked.

"It was the same location". Vaishnavi said as I smiled at her.

"Where the found the body." She added.

"It is very clear that Me.Vasudevan had hurried her but what is the proof that he was the rapist?" Judge asked.

"The cctv footage was blocked sir but we followed any cars that had went toward the burial spot and found a car that had left from adhithya's side of neighborhood." Is ado providing him a map of the locations.

"Very well." The judge said.

"But it doesn't prove that Vasudevan was the rapist." Santhosh said.

"What's the proof that he wasn't?" I asked.

"I...I..." he started.

"Where were you that night? Do you have any evidence?" I asked.

"He's targeting an..." santhosh started.

"Very well done Mr. Singh. We come to a conclusion that Mr.Vasudevan was the the rapist and murderer and he will be to to be hanged. Mr. Santhosh suppprted the fraud and will be permanently sued from his job. He will not be allowed to participate in any law related activities. And since mr. Adhithya is innocent, the court gives releases him but because he supported this fraud, he is to be sentenced 1 year prison." The judge finished.

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