Chapter 10

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As soon a she realized it was coming downstairs, he turned round and looked at me.

"I'll talk to you later." He said as he got up and walked toward me .

"Let's go eat dinner?" He asked.

"What time is it?" I asked searching for a wall clock.

"It's 11:30." I said shocked.

"Yeah you were sleeping peacefully cause madam woke up very early this morning to take revenge." He chuckled.

"Have you are yet?" I asked.

"No I was waiting for you." He said.

"Really. It's getting late." I said.

"It's alright. Come let's eat." He said as he pulled my wrist and pulled me to the dining table.

"You made biriyani?" I asked surprised.

"Yes. I tried." He said.

"Really?" I asked as I started to eat.

"Damn!! This is so good! You should have been a chef instead of a lawyer." I said.

"You think so?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Then I wouldn't have met you!" He said as I started to blush.

After dinner we moved to the room. Any other day I would have slept but today was different. I kept feeling really low all day.

"Are you not sleepy?" He asked.

"No." I said.

"I thought so." He said as I smiled.

"Want to go for a night drive then?" He asked.

"Alright then." I said.

Soon we were in his car and I was watching outside. Something made my mind peaceful again and I did t even know when I drifted into sleep.

I wake up to find the bed empty and I was on the bed. Did Siddharth bring me here? He lifted me up and brought me here. Damnn! Why is he so nice?

Who would have thought the same man that deducted money was now giving his whole life to me?

"You're up ma'am?" The maid said.

"Where is Si.." I started.

"He left for work ma'am. He told me not to leave you alone and also wanted you to call him as soon as you woke up." She said.

"Alright." I said as I went back to my room and called him.

"Hello.." I said.

"Finally madam has decided to wake up." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Are you not gonna argue about this?" He asked.

"I...I don't know." I said.

He was right. I would have argued but now my heart was filled with my parents.

"You stay home all day and guess what? In about a week, I'll be finished with this case. Then santhosh will never bother you again." He said.

"Yeah but I won't get my family back." I said.

"Maya..don't cry! I'm always with you. And loss is.." he paused.

"Go eat breakfast. I have a surprise waiting for you." He said.

"A surprise?" I asked as I walked downstairs and to the dining table.

"What is this Siddharth? Is this breakfast or lunch?" I asked as I found so many of my favorite dishes stacked together.

"I made them all and I expect you to eat." He said.

"Fine but don't blame me if I get fat!" I said.

"See you later." He said.

"Thanks...thank you for everything. Love you!" I said.

What? I said love you? Fuck Maya! Why did you say that? It literally slipped out of my mouth.

"Love you too." He replied as my eyes widen.

I didn't mean that. It slipped as I don't want him to think I'm ready for this relationship when I'm not.
He cut the call but his point.

After eating all of the delicious dishes Siddharth had had for me, I decided to go back to the room and sleep.

Sleeping is something I do the best. This place was really getting boring.

I decided to just walk around and look at the place. I found a gym, a pool and so much more. I was so confused. Was this even a house? This place was a mansion.

When Siddharth came back home, he didn't look so happy. Yet he tried to be as nice as he could to me. He was being nice. Oh god! Never thought he would!

"Can I ask you something?" I asked as he was sitting on his laptop.

"What's up?" He asked.

"How is your house so huge but you live all by yourself?" I asked.

"Well, now I have you and in the future we're gonna have kids and..." he said as I looked up and saw love in his eyes.

"I'm still wondering if it was your twin brother who was there yelling at me for everything." I said.

"Nope it was me. Why are you so certain to bring him out of me?" He asked.

"To tell you the truth, he's kinda hot." I said.

"Wait what?" He laughed.

"I'm the same person." He said.

"Yeah but you look hot when you're yelling at me for no reason." I said.

"So you don't listen to me and keep checking me out?" He asked.

"Sometimes?" I said.

"Wow! And I have reasons to yell at you. Right now, you're more hurt than anything else and I can't hurt you more by yelling." He said.

I am not sure what is happening here but I think we're flirting right now.

"Can you teach me how to cook?" I asked.

"You want to learn?" He asked.

"Yeah cause I kinda feel bad making you cook all the time." I said.

"Alright then, come." He said.

"What are we making?" I asked.

"We'll make chicken curry?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

"So first we need to cut the onion and and everything." He said.

"Onion? My mom always makes me cut it." I said.

"Haha, it burns right?" He asked.

"Ok let me cut it." He said as he grabbed it and started to cut it.

Soon we were making the curry. I was stirring it when I found two arm come around both of my sides. I could feel his breath too.

"Not like that." He said as he held the pan with one hand and held the spoon over my hand and started to stir.

Damn! This was one of those bollywood scenes I swear. My stomach had butterflies the second he walked toward me.

When he let go of my hand, I felt my heart getting very disappointed.

I think I love him. But can I trust him?

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