52. Romantic Singh Oberoi

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When Annika returned to their room to sleep, Shivaay looked, seemed, and sounded very cranky. In short, a look at him could easily tell anyone that he was mad about something or someone. Annika went to the washroom, got changed, and slipped inside the comforter. Having an irritable Shivaay beside her wasn't a new thing now. She had no mood to pacify him, to be honest. She had enough for the day.

"What was that behavior?" he asked, rage clearly visible in his voice.

"What?" she asked back innocently.

"When I came to call you for dinner, why didn't you open the door?" he asked strictly.

She mumbled a bit before replying, "I wanted to study."

"Fair enough, but you could have told me to bring you dinner instead of asking the chef. I saw her taking dinner for you to your study room."

Annika shrugged her shoulders, "Is that a big deal? I didn't want to disturb you." She yawned. "I am tired. Let's sleep."

Before Annika could reach for the lamps, Shivaay pulled her closer. There was not an inch gap between her frame and his nor Shivaay would let her make any. She observed his one hand flung around her shoulder and the other wrapped around her waist.

"What are you doing?" she stammered.

"Asking a question," he replied. The hand around her shoulder now played with a few strands of her hair. She squirmed in his arms only to realize how his breath had been fanning her neck.

"Is that how you ask a question?" her voice was trembling. She wasn't scared. She was rather excited due to the sudden intimacy Shivaay was putting her through.

"Yes," he leaned closer to her, so close that he couldn't distinguish between her fragrance and his, "Any problem?" She smelled like lavender.

"Let me sleep," she whispered. Her eyes reflected the innocence of a child. He smiled only to rub his nose near her cheeks all the way down to her neck. She balled her palms in a fist. Only he knew what he was up to.

"Then sleep," there was no change in their position. His eyes reflected a different him today. One Annika was comfortable with yet not familiar.

"Like this?"

Shivaay nodded. He took hold of her left hand and placed a kiss on the back of her palm.


"Relax," he caressed her hair, slowly entangling his fingers in her tresses, "Does anything I am doing feel wrong?"



A few moments passed by. The first few wouldn't let Annika think, the next few had her trying to find an answer, and the last few were spent in forming the non-understandable answer in understandable words."Because I feel good vibes from you today," she replied, "unlike last time when you were angry and it felt disgusting."

"Good," he nodded. His hazel eyes changed colors, now portraying sheer determination instead of the passion she saw earlier. "After everything I got to know today, I don't want an outsider to pass comments about our marriage. You feel safe with me, that's all I want."

"You mean Mallika," he pecked her lips when the name left her mouth. She looked away in shyness. They don't kiss often, but they did a few times. She still felt shy whenever their lips came in contact.

"I don't want the name between us. I took care of her. She won't disturb you again nor you will let anyone between us." He seemed less bothered about the red hues forming on her cheeks.

Falling in Love - A Shivika Romance ✔Where stories live. Discover now