36. Forgiven, Not Forgotten

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For the first few seconds, Shivaay felt immense anger at Annika. He was roaming around her like a lost puppy, trying his best to earn her apology, behaving out of character to bring her back to his life and she acted like she doesn't care if he is alive or not.

If my Papa was alive, you won't be

Her words rung in his ears for hours after their small exchange in the kitchen. The food was thrown away in anger by Shivaay himself.

A ping brought him back from his constant frustration over Annika's words. Rudra asked him to come to the hospital tomorrow morning to complete Priyanka's discharge formalities. All thanks to Annika, the media did not dare to create chaos outside the hospital although Shivaay worried some journalists were still undercover.

Thoughts of Priyanka forced him to recall Annika's words about Priyanka. How dare she speak about Priyanka being abused by her husband? The woman lost her mind or what? Guilt stopped him to think more. Had he not done the same? Abused her? Or tried to? How was trying to kill any different than killing?

"What have I done?"

When he imagined Priyanka in the spot Annika was in, the consequences of his actions suddenly became manifolds.

He cursed himself for not gauging all these in the beginning. How could he? Annika's anger was justified even more now. She was right. If Priyanka did something like this, he would have turned mad. And had someone else done the same to Annika, his anger would be at another level. Now suddenly, he pictured himself as the villain of his own wife's life.

A sorry wasn't enough. Again, what else could he do? There was no time machine that he could ride to go back in time and slap himself for doing this to his Annika. One option was she giving him a punishment for his deeds. She didn't tell him to do something. She could easily file a case on him and win with the team of expert lawyers Kabeer Industries had. The poor soul had no idea what power she was the heiress, now the owner, of and what she could do with that power.

If she did not want to punish him, besides the death wish she gave away in pure anger, how was he to punish himself?

"Annika," he sighed before sitting on a couch in the hall.


"Shivaay," she gasped. She now understood the nature of the vice called anger way better. She now knew why Shivaay tended to be rude when he was angry. Anger makes a person say anything. She, a wife, hinted towards her husband's death. With what right will she ask him to calm down in the future when she couldn't do it in her turn?

Tears remained in the eyes. They were not meant to fall for him. At least that's what she thought. Who knows who will win in the battle of two parts of the heart? One which wanted to forget and forgive and the other that was too stubborn to solve everything while keeping her self-respect in place.

The only thing Annika knew was that she will not leave before having a mature conversation with Shivaay this time around.

A hand reached Annika's shoulder. She stood alarmed.

"Sorry. I was too vigilant, I guess," she heard Kalyani's voice so she turned.

"Dadi," Annika supported a teary Kalyani and made her sit, "I didn't notice when you came. How are you now?"

"As good as a person whose one-fourth of a heart is kiled can be," Kalyani replied.

"Don't be so pessimistic," Annika advised, "Prinku made a mistake in her immaturity, I agree, but the good news is we could save her on time. Don't worry, when she is fit and fine, we will take her class. I assure you that she will never take such a step again."

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