41. A Night Well Spent

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"What was that Billuji?" asked a very confused Annika amidst her heavy breathing and a racing heart. Her voice hinted at confusion with a wee bit of exasperation. He could just not put up an act like that and expect her to take it easy.

"A very happy birthday Mrs. Billu Singh Oberoi," he whispered in her ear after tucking her hair strand behind her ear.

"Mrs. Billu?" she quickly turned to face Shivaay. A smirk was plastered on his face that, again, annoyed Annika to the core. That name made her look like a cartoon especially due to the way he said it. "What type of name is that?"

Shivaay laughed out loud. She kept staring at the way he was laughing like a child which in turn annoyed her more. He did notice her expression, red cheeks filled with anger, however, he did not stop. He wanted her to feel the same way he felt when she called him billuji again and again. Tit for tat was a thing after all.

"The very name that you address me as," he replied once he was done laughing to his heart's desire, "Now you know how it feels."

While he was expecting an irritated Annika requesting him to stop, she gave him her best smile and said, "Exactly! If you are Mr. Billu, I am Mrs. Billu." She stepped forward prompting him to take a step back. Color drained from his face; the excitement vanished into thin air when she turned his words against himself. She totally enjoyed the sudden reverse of his actions. The highlight was his face that justified his given name after a cat. No wonder Kalyani liked to call him Billu.

"What happened, Billu ji?" she asked pretending innocence. In reality, it was getting harder for her to not crack up seeing Shivaay in front of her being a baby whose plans went down the drain.

"A minute ago you were asking me to not call you by that name and now you—"

"Come on Billuji, if you are okay with being called Billu, I have no issues with being addressed as Mrs. Billu," she smartly replied.

"After all, I am your wife, pati parmeshwar ji," she added when he failed to reply to her previous words.

"What on earth," as soon as he muttered those words, Annika's phone rang. She placed a finger on her lips indicating him to stop. A big smile appeared on her lips seeing the called id. Shivaay was quick to snatch the phone from her hand and put it on silent mode. She now reeked of frustration.

"It was one of my good friends. How could you just?"

"And I am your husband craving for some attention," had it been any other day he said it, she would tease him to his death but now she was mad. Even more so when he said, "And who calls at this hour?"

"It's still evening in London. She may not have the time difference issue in mind," Annika justified her friend.

"Whatever it is, when I am with you I don't want your attention on anyone else," he spoke like an A-level attention seeker. She, being tired, gave up on the topic already. Knowing her husband, he was too good of a speaker to get things his way.

"Why did you bring me here? Rudra and his friends must be waiting for me," Annika changed the topic seeing no hope in the previous one.

"Really?" he claimed disbelief, "You are here with me for ten to fifteen minutes now and none of them took the trouble to look for you. They did not even realize when I sneaked in and brought you with me. And here you think they will be waiting for you. Annika, I know Rudra. His friends aren't any different. All they wanted was to party which they are having. Now they don't need you but I do. I want to be with you and I want you to want to be with me."

Falling in Love - A Shivika Romance ✔Where stories live. Discover now