2. An Arranged Date

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While Shivaay and Annika stared at each other, they both felt the rising attraction which was quick to develop between them. He removed his gaze on her. Not yet. They were soon to be married. Then, he could stare at her as long as he wanted.

It was not long that Harshvardhan Kabeer joined them both in the hall.

"Hey, Annika" he greeted his daughter.

Annika walked past Shivaay to hug her Dad. Harsh dropped a kiss on Annika's head and hugged her back. Shivaay smiled feeling the deep bond between Annika and her father.

"Annika, meet Shivaay. You know him, right? The famous industrialist. And Shivaay, this is my daughter, Annika" Harsh introduced them both.

Annika smiled at Shivaay. She was still unsure of what he was doing at her home though.

Annika held up her hands for Shivaay to shake them. They shook hands, passing awkward smiles at each other.

Harsh wrapped an arm around Annika's shoulder.

"Shivaay, why don't you guys sit and talk for sometime?" Harsh insisted. Annika frowned.

"Dad, I am just back from London. Let me rest for a while," she asked.

Harsh chuckled the thought away, "Fine, darling, we will meet him some other time then."

Annika smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then I will take my leave." Shivaay finally spoke up. He bid goodbye to the father-daughter duo and left for his mansion.

Inside Kabeer Mansion, Annika hugged her Dad. The latter chuckled looking at the babyface his daughter made when she was tired.

"Tired?" he asked.

Annika nodded with a pout. Harsh chuckled again.

"Let's get you some dinner." Harsh insisted and dragged her to the kitchen.


Shivaay entered the Oberoi Mansion with a wide smile plastered on his face. He was getting married to the golden girl he wished. She had all three qualities he looked for in his bride: well-educated, beautiful, and rich.

Needless to say, he would still allow, rather want her to complete her education. Once they marry, he could wait a year or two for her to complete her master's. Then they could start with their family. His empire needed a heir after all.

He planned all of it. Yet, his whole family, which consisted of his younger brothers, his little sister, and his grandma, remained unknown.

Shivaay vigilantly entered the mansion. The Oberoi family was unhappy with his decision of rejecting Mallika on the basis of her status. He wouldn't budge though. He was adamant at his decision.

Either way, the thought was worrisome how would his family react to the idea of his and Annika's marriage. Especially Dadi, would she agree with Shivaay marrying a girl who was not her choice?

Annika's beautiful face rushed through his senses. He was marrying her and her only unless she had objections. Who were others to question the decision that was totally his and Annika's?


The next morning, when the whole Oberoi family sat for breakfast, he broke the news.

"I am marrying Annika Kabeer," Shivaay declared.

All heads turned to the head of the table where Shivaay was sitting. The eyes of his brothers widened at the thought.

Falling in Love - A Shivika Romance ✔Where stories live. Discover now