13. Honey Without Moon (i)

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Annika stared at Shivaay's sleeping figure for most of the night. He was fast asleep, like a baby even. The man who would yell at his employees, behave like he owns the world, he who cares for nothing but himself, demonstrated a little care, a little trust, a little patience with her.

Her heart bloomed with overjoy when she recalled the last few hours. The fear of the unknown subsided a bit, having Shivaay around her. The way he wrapped his arms around her back then gave her a sense of protection after a long time. She was sure if she could unleash the protective version of Shivaay Singh Oberoi, a life with him won't be as disappointing as she perceived till now.

Shivaay's phone rang. Annika gritted her teeth. The ringtone reminded her of the music she heard earlier even though that was loud and his ringtone was less so.

He got up, rubbed his eyes with the back of his palm and checked his phone.

"Yes, Khanna" he let out a loud yawn as he talked over the phone.

Annika frowned. Did this man have to call now only? Now when she was busy staring at him? Now when he was looking like an innocent baby? And Shivaay too. Was Khanna so important that Shivaay would let go of his sleep to talk to the former? She made a mental note to find out about Khanna and his relationship with Shivaay as soon as they go back to India.

Shivaay got off the bed. Annika hit the pillow Shivaay was sleeping on. At least the pillow if not the person, she thought.


"What happened?" she asked once he returned to the bed.

"You are awake?" he was surprised.

"Yes," Annika uttered in a soft voice, "I couldn't sleep."

"India and Greece don't have that much of a time difference. It shouldn't be because of jetlag" he noted.

"It's fine, Shivaay, leave it," Annika said, "it's nothing."

"Why are you unable to sleep then?" he asked, concerned.

Annika remained silent. She didn't want Shivaay to think of her as an attention seeker for talking about the incident time and again.

"Is it because of what happened in that room?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

Annika was surprised by how he was able to guess just the right thing. Her silence told him the truth.

"Forget it!" he advised.

Annika furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Was he concerned or annoyed by the fact that she still feared the incident? When he asked, she found genuine care in his voice. But now as he asked her to forget the whole thing, his stance was becoming vaguer to her.

She learned a new thing about her husband at the moment. It was not rare for his words to contradict each other in seconds. He was a difficult man to concede with.

Shivaay laid on the bed. He debated himself for a while in regard to informing Annika about the culprit or not. She deserved to know, a part of his brain argued. But was he willing to share this with Annika now? Especially when they are on a honeymoon? It is supposed to be a trip where they learn more about each other, not where Annika learns of a much debatable quality in his character.


The next morning was no different for Shivaay whereas Annika seemed excited to roam around the city of Crete.

"Let's spend a day in the mountains," she suggested looking off the net, "and then we can visit the Heraklion towards the evening. It looks awesome during the sunset."

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