The Prophecy

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Harry's Pov.

The prophecy that will literally determine my whole life is in the Headmaster's office. Although, I think it's basically going to say I have to defeat Voldemort.

No surprise in that

After packing the last of my things I approach the protectors of the Headmaster's office, the gargoyles

Dumbledore didn't give me the password like always

"Lemon drops" I try

not a movement one

"Chocolate frogs" I try again

The gargoyles finally open up letting me walk in

There are a lot of people that I don't think should be

Hermione, the Weasley's, my parents (no surprise there), uncle Mooney, Uncle Padfoot, Auror Moody are here but that's not weird

What was weird was Neville, his gran, Snape, and the Malfoy's

the Malfoy's are the weirdest because they're on the side of the dark

"Harry" Professor Dumbledore greets "Please do sit"

I sit beside my parents

The Headmaster opens the prophecy

There will be five boys and two girls who will be the war
The first is the boy born as the seventh months leaves; the one that will once and truly vanquish the dark lord
The girl, the twin to the first, will be caring and passionate. She will make sure he does not fall
the boy born of a family with flaming hair, best mate to the first, will show the him that not everyone will leave
The girl who is the smartest of her generation, in denial of love for the dark boy, will show them all
Insane boy hidden for protection, also born when July ends, will have a choice to make
Platinum blonde haired boy who is not like his family will be their to lead his twin towards the light
Last but not least the dark boy, the dark spy and muggleborn flowers son, master occlemens at birth. He will make the choices; he is the war. HIS CHOICES EFFECT US ALL. Save him. Save him. Save him. For he is the dark boy with all the choices.
This is the war on light; the boy who is strong and the dark boy with all the choices will either combine or dissemble

The Globe breaks into a million tiny pieces

"I have a twin?" I decide to go with

let's not start on the fact that Mione has eyes for some dark boy

I did not know what to expect but it was certainly not confused looks

"Bloody hell" Ron says "How do you not know you have more children?"

Mrs. Weasley slaps the back of his head "Ronald" she scolds

"I took these children with the fear of what could happen" Headmaster Dumbledore informs us "I also obliviated you all of them"

"What are their names" Lord Malfoy questions

"Aberax Scorpius Malfoy is undercover as Trever Don McCollom, Annabelle Lily Potter as Anna Lee Reeves, Nathan Alaric Longbottom as Dustan Dakota Whitworth, and Sebastian Sypherin Snape as Gabreil Walker Wiecken" he tells us

Are we not going to comment on the fact that he stole children?

"We need to go get them then" dad states

no we're not going to say anything then

right, we never second guess Dumbledore

shut up Harry, you're the golden boy

"Where are these children" Snape snaps

calm down Snape

"Severus" Lord Malfoy says "You're showing emotions"

Snape doesn't say anything but that says everything

"Stover, Missouri, USA" Dumbledore says "The Malfoy's, The Potter's, Mr. Longbottom, Ms. Granger, and Severus will be going on this little expedition"

everyone gets up

alright, let's keep doing everything the man who stole your children away says


Draco's pov.

A brother.....interesting

Father walks into my room "Draconis, may we speak"

Mother approaches from behind

I put on a Malfoy signature smile "Of course"

walking into the sitting room I take a seat

"Dragon" Mother starts "We decided to go over the family records after the mistake of not knowing about Aberax"

"What did you find?" I breath

"He is older by ten minutes" Father states "That makes him the heir"

"That means I may go into any field I choose correct?" I ask "As long as it doesn't disgrace the family"

"Correct" Father tells

"We know you want to be a healer" Mother smiles "now is your chance"

"Thank you for informing me" I say


Severus pov.

I have a son

wonder what he's like

Is he going to like me.....probably not

everyone hate's me

let's not even think about what is happening between him and Ms. Granger

wonder what he looks like

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