He's dead

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I see Lucius "I thought I just saw you"

"No" I say "I've been here the whole time"

"Oh" he sighs "The dark lord wants you"

I apparate towards him accepting my death but when I get there I see myself dying

The golden trio is standing over him as he turns into Severus

I come running out something wet running down my face "dad"

"finally call me dad I see" he chocks out "I'm honored"

I hug him tightly "You can't die dad; this was suppose to be me"

Ron and Hermione look angry at me

"Potter" I say "Take my tears and see them in the pensive"

he takes the tears

"You're too young to die" dad rages on "You'll grow up, marry the now unpotioned Ms. Granger, have kids, and have a career of you dreams. Congratulations by the way"

I look back to see Hermione holding her stomach

"....how long" I question

"Nine months which would only be two months longer then when you drugged Ron and I" she spits at me leaving along with Ron and Potter

I hold my head down "You can't leave me" then I start shoving potions down his throat

booms come from around until utter silence surrounds us

Potter-Harry's Patronus comes flying in "We won" some silence "I know everything you did for me. Mione's in labor" then the stag disappears

"Come on" dad rasps beside me "We have to witness a baby being born; you won't miss your child's like I missed yours"

I pick him up and apparate directly into the medical wing

setting dad down on the bed beside her I gently take Hermione's hand hoping she still doesn't hate me

she grabs it very tightly "This is your fault"

"My fault?" I ask "You're the one who had me tied down"

she gives me a look "That's never happening again"

my eyes go wide

the baby comes out

"Congratulations" Pomfrey says "It's a boy" then hands him to Mia

she does something I don't see coming-she hands him to my dad

"His name?" a very pale looking dad asks

"I was thinking" Hermione says softly "That we could name him after you and my father-Severus John Snape"

I smile at her

the baby opens his eyes for the first time

his eyes are onyx like dads

dad kisses the baby's forehead softly, gives the baby to me, and then falls into his death

tears escape my eyes as I gaze down at my baby "Little Severus" the baby goes to Mia

I hug my dad "I'll miss you, dad, I love you"

Harry comes up beside me "I'm sorry for all the things I said and did to you, Sebastian"

I look at him "It's all right, Harry, little brother"

we hug for the first time

after a few seconds Anna joins the hug

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