Hell is on Earth

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I'm the last one to arrive at the meeting not surprising

they all are staring at me as I sit

"Now that we are all here" Severus drawls staring at me "I have a few announcements; Sebastian will be the Dark Arts professor while the Carrow's will teach muggle studies"

"Who's idea was that?" I ask "They're so dumb that they make Crabbe and Goyle seem smart"

the Carrow's sneer at me

I flip them off "get fucked"

"Sebastian" Severus snaps "that's enough"

with a roll of my eyes I say "Yes, all mighty headmaster"

"Did Sebastian take his NEWTs or did Tom just let him be a professor without them?" McGonagall questions

Oh ya, they went to school together

"I got twelve NEWTs" I tell "Some people would call that an achievement" I stare at Severus

"If there is nothing else we can all leave" Severus states


we all get up

"Congratulations on your NEWTs, Sebastian" comes from most of the other professors

the opening feast gets here quickly

most of the school is glaring at me but that's just fine

Jaxton and Tyler don't look fazed to see me at the head table but Aberax and Draco do


The longest school year of my life is this year

Christmas trudged a long when I was called my Marvolo

"Marvolo" I state walking in LeStrange manor

"What is wrong with Bellatrix" he asks firstly when she starts beaming at me

I look at her "Get out of here slut" she whimpers but leaves "I might have fucked her and made her cum like six times"

"She's married, Sebastian" he sighs at me

"I mean she didn't say no" I say "She actually asked for it so..."

no-nose rolls his eyes "I do love your teaching methods; most physical"

"I don't like grading things" I point out "Besides learning through doing is better then paper and pencil"

he gives me a look

"oh, sorry" I scoff "Quill and parchment"

"Any dreams as of late" he asks

"They found the Locket" I tell

by now they probably destroyed it because Severus took the sword to them

"I see" he leers "Keep a look out my loyal friend"


I was at Malfoy manor enjoying some tea with the other people of the house with Bellatrix stuck to my side

that's when some snatchers brought Potter, Ron, and Hermione in

I see the sword of Gryffindor in one of the snatchers hands

leaning in to Bella I whisper "Isn't that the sword that is meant to be in your vault? Get it back"

"Where did you get that" she shrieks jumping up from me

"The girl had it" I think Dolov says "Recon it's mine now"

she slits his throat and hands me the sword

I gulp knowing what I must do "Draco and Narcissa should uh leave. They don't have to witness this"

the two smile appreciatively at me

"Wormtail" I snap out "Take the boys to the cellar" where Lovegood is hopefully they'll rescue her as well "My ex-fiancé and I need to chat"

"Sebby" she wines wanting to torture her

"No" I hiss out "Tie her up"

tying Hermione to a chair

she stare at me "What happened to you?"

I don't say anything "How did you get into Bella's vault?"

"I didn't" she states

Bella cackles before shooting a Crucio at her

"Stop" I state "She can't talk if she's writhing on the floor"

Bellatrix whimpers "Yes, Master"

"What else did you take from her vault" I calmly ask

"I will never tell you" Hermione states

I breath in my nose "Bella"

the witch in question jumps on Hermione to torture her but not before I numb the area

she's just screaming because she's scared

Potter and Ron comes running up with a house elf "STOP"

I raise my wand at them

"you shall not harm Harry Potter and his friends" the elf states

"How dare you go against your masters" Bella states cause apparently she knows the elf

something happens in where Hermione gets shot to them and the elf starts aperating them out

Bella threw a knife in the mix

really Bella

"I have an idea" I state "Let's not tell Marvolo about this"

"About what" the very man's voice is behind me

I turn around "Uh-" then I launch into what happened

he explodes Crucioing me a lot

about a week later I get the paper


you're going to give me a heart attack Lioness

at least she got the message that they're was one in the vault

my mark starts burning causing me to apparate out

"Marvolo" I state at Severus says "My lord"

"Be prepared" no-nose states "Potter will be coming to Hogwarts"

then guess what the golden idiots are indeed spotted in Hogsmeade

which means we were all called in the Great Hall

"Harry Potter has been spotted in Hogwarts" Severus says "I would like anyone who saw him to come up now; you will receive no punishment"

Potter walks out

okay it's time

I come walking out with my wand up "Give up now"

he stares at me "It seems the school has a security problem" then Severus stands with the order "How dare you stand where he stood; tell them how you looked him in the eyes and killed him"

"what do you want me to do?" I scoff "Float; the man stood everywhere he was headmaster for years"

Severus steps in front of Potter just as we talked about with his wand drawn at me

"I told him that you were a traitor" I spit "No matter; it is your last day on earth" then I throw random spells at him

we duel for a minute before I flee to the woods by shadow jumping


The last hopeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora