Snape pt. 2

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"You're an asswhole" the older Longbottom says

Sebastian takes a seat on a warn out looking chair "I'm guessing Dumbledick really did get that prophecy then"

"Dumbledore is a great man" Potter states

"When did I say he wasn't" Sebastian scoffs "No one can discount that he is way powerful but he's a manipulative old man"

"That means your going to Hogwarts with us next year" Lupin says

he scowls at him "Who the hell told you that was happening. Hoggywarts doesn't offer the classes I want"

"Bast" Black says "You're far too advanced in those classes anyway"

then Sebastian see's Draco "Ferret?"

Draco jumps

"You know my brother?" Aberax asks

"He completes some thing Jax wants us to be" he shrugs "I forgot what it's called"

"the Thunderbird Maurders soon to be Slytherin" Black says

"Doesn't make since to me" Sebastian mumbles "Ferrets never been a thunderbird"

the male Potter twin starts laughing "Ferret"

Sebastian smirks "Like my nickname for him? It's his amungus form"

"You're an amungus" Lucius and Narcissa yell at the same time

"Parents" Black and Lupin groan

"That's why you don't have them" Sebastian follows

my heart drops

"You don't want parents" the smaller Longbottom shyly asks

Sebastian smiles at him "Parents make rules; I don't follow rules. Plus, my track record for parents is not very good"

"You have parents here" the male Potter twin states

he hums looking around until his eyes land on me

"Severus Snape? You are my father? What the fuck is my name?"

"Sebastian Sypherin Snape" I say

"S.S.S." he says "Wow, what a name. At least your not an idiot; I don't think I could stand an idiot as a father"

"You know me?" I ask

"You are the youngest potion matter in the U.K., You are kind of brilliant even if you are a....what does Mia call it again"

"A git" Lupin tells

"He did say parents" Black sings

Sebastian looks around once again landing on Lily

"That one and I are not related" Sebastian says pointing to Potter Jr.

"Afraid you are" Lily says

Sebastian scrunches up his nose "Does that make that one my step-father"

Potter grins and nods

he leans back in his chair

"You know us we can go now" I say

Sebastian lifts his leg revealing a device "Can't magical tracker for the summer; I can write to the government explaining what is happening but I doubt I'll get a response tonight"

"Why do you have that" Draco asks

Sebastian smiles looking at the other two "Something we had to do....didn't end well.....nothing you need to worry about" he gets out some things

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