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Neville's pov.

I'm a little freaked out from last night

Dustan, my brother, is Gabriel's best mate what if he's one of them

"when are we going to get Nate?" Harry asks once I walk into the sitting room

"He should be back by now" Anna says

Aberax smiles "he might even know where to find Gabriel"

my heart sinks a little

can I call someone like that a brother?

He's pretty much an American death eater

we follow Aberax and Anna to the middle to upper part of town

Aberax knocks on the door

a boy with long curly dirty blonde hair opens the door "May I help you?"

"D, it's us" Anna says "A and T"

"Trever and Anna" the older teen laughs "Why do you look as you do?"

"Apparently, we had glamour's on; so do you" Aberax explains

Dustan nods "Well....take them off then"

Snape takes them off

he looks almost exactly like dad with mum's eyes

opposite of me

"I'm Aberax Scorpius Malfoy but I've been going by Abe" the elder Malfoy states

"Annabelle Lily Potter" Anna fills in

Nathan laughs "You were named after a demented doll? That's funny"

Aberax rolls his eyes

Nathan turns to us "do I have real name or am I sticking with Dustan"

"Nathan" I squeak "Nathan Alaric Longbottom, my older twin"

his eyes light up as he walks towards me "Does my little brother have a name?"

"Neville Frank Longbottom" I squeak

Nathan laughs "Don't worry; I'm not Gabriel I won't hurt you"

he slings his arm around me turning back to the others "I'm going to go long by saying the blonde's are your family Abe, the look alike of you are Anna's families, and that's Mia. I honestly have no clue about the other dude here"

"Severus Snape" Aberax says "I think he's somehow going to be related to Gabriel"

Nathan looks him over "Makes since"

"Speaking of Gabriel; do you know where he is?" Snape asks

"Took off with Black and Lupin a couple hours ago" Nathan tells "They were muttering about some job they had to do before tonight"

"You two were serious when you said he hangs around those two?" Hermione asks

"Yup" Aberax tells "It's sad; he changed even more when you broke up"

"He really has" Nathan agrees "Although, they are not really skin supremist anymore. They literally only do what is expected of them; like they're trapped. Those three make a good friendship"

"How" Aberax asks "Those two are idiots"

"Lupin is smart" Nathan states "But he needs someone to tell him what to do with his brain. Black is very powerful and knows a lot about customs. I agree on him that he is as dumb as a box of rocks. Gabriel, on the other hand, is both smart and powerful. He doesn't really like to reveal it though so he can use them to do his dirty work"

"Is he lost?" Anna asks "Can we save him; you're the only one who keeps in constant contact with him still"

"He can be saved" Nathan reveals "but you will have to bring Black and Lupin with him. Nev, why don't you help me pack"

I smile walking into his room with him

"Quiet type then?" he laughs "That's alright; the quiet one's are always the most dangerous because they listen"

"You look exactly like dad with mums eyes" I change the subject

"Where are our mother and father?" Nathan asks

"The Janis Thicky ward at St. Mungo's" I mumble

he nods "alright, what house are you in. If I remember right there are four"

I nod enthusiastically "Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. I'm known as the cowardly lion"

Nathan stops packing to look at me "Obviously that hat saw something Gryffindorkish in you. Mia says that hat doesn't lie so you're a Gryffindor"

"I was kind of scared that you would be like my bullies" I give "From the sound of it Gabriel will be"

he chuckles "Gabriel only bullies those he thinks needs it. Besides he wouldn't bully you; you're my brother and more importantly Mia's friend" he turns to me "If something ever happens and he's after you; find Mia"

I nod fast

"What's your favorite color" he starts trying to get to know me "Mine's Blue"

"I like purple" I give "You have a favorite class; I love herbology"

"Ancient Runes is great" Nathan tells "I also have Care of Magical Creatures"

"I took divination" I groan "I regret that"

Nathan laughs as we walk out together

Aberax and Anna are snogging in a corner where they won't be seen by the adults

those said adults are all talking

Malfoy, Harry, and Hermione are having a debate

we walk to the adults "I'm ready"

"Do you have video's of Gabriel?" Lord Malfoy asks "We've asked them"

Nathan nods "Mine are all of him being a asswhole to us though"

"Just like Sni-" Lady Potter hits Lord Potter before he can finish "Severus then"

when we get back to the place we're staying at Nathan puts in the first video

an eleven and twelve year old Dustan and Gabriel standing over a cauldron
"Come on Gabriel" Dustan wines "Let's go do something fun"
"I am" Gabriel drawls "I'm a couple ingredients away form breathing under water"
"Pleeeeaaasssee" Dustan wines more
Gabriel stops to look at him "If you don't shut it I'm going to find that cat of yours so I can feed him some poison"
Dustan gulps "Fine, come find me when you're done being boring"

"He sure did act like Snivilous" Lord Potter says then gets him by Lady Potter

Nathan starts laughing while Aberax rolls his eyes "it's not funny dipshit"

"What are you two going on about" Lady Malfoy asks

"That's the name Abe uses of Gabriel when they're fighting"

"It just came to me when he was acting like a sniveling coward. Besides, it persuades him to do what I want" Aberax tries to defend himself

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