Potter's pt. 2

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"This is the summer after our first year" Abe says "Our first year is when we did a lot of growing up; especially Gabriel

A park shows up with Dustan running face first into a tree

Abe pauses the video "Dustan turned into an idiot; I dared him to run into a tree until he passed out"

Trever and Anna were on top of the slide talking and laughing
Gabriel was in a tree reading a book that says History of the Dark Arts
Mione walks in the park causing Anna and Trever to slide down, Dustan to stop, and Gabriel to jump down
"Gabriel, I'm not in the mood for your stuff" Mione huffs
"Of course" Gabriel says "I wanted to apologize for being what you call at git" then he goes back to the tree
"He's grown up Mia" Dustan says "We all have"

"This is the one where Gabriel asks Mia out. I think " Abe says "He had us hide so we could film it all"

The same park shows again except it's full of people
"Hi, Mia" Gabriel says "How's it going?"
Mione takes his arm "I'm fine, how are you?"
"I'm great. I have a question for you" Gabriel blushes
"Go on" Mione laughs "You're scaring me"
"Would you go to the apple fest with me....like on a date....alone" he stutters
Mione blushes "YES....I mean sure"

once the picture return Mione and Gabriel are standing near a big M; they're holding hands
A bunch of cars with decorations on them start going by, and some of them are throwing things
Then a car goes by that says 'Hermione Granger you are the most beautiful girl in the world'
Mione's face goes beat red

Mione and Gabriel are walking around
they come to a jewelry stand
Your month sign that glows in the dark
Mione is looking at one
"How much?" Gabriel asks
"20" the lady selling says
"Gabriel" Mione says "Don't do it"
he winks at her before handing over the money

Gabriel has a big leg in his hand smirking at Mione
"babe" he says "Just try it, please. If you don't like it I won't make you try anything every again"
Mione who has been blushing since he called her babe says "Fine" then bites into it
"How good is it?" Gabriel questions
"You're too full of yourself" Mione giggles "but it is good"
Gabriel smirks; the same smirk Snape does when mom talks to him

"Keep your eyes closed" Gabriel whisper in her ear "I have a surprise"
Mione closes her eyes
He goes into a building coming out with two bears holding hands; one has black hair and a black hoodie, and the other is tan with frizzy hair
"Open them" Gabriel says
she opens her eyes then goes confused "Why does that one look like me but the other one doesn't look like you?"
"This is how I wished I look" Gabriel says "Sometimes I think I'm ugly"
Mione lifts her eyebrows "You think you're ugly? So the whole way to cocky for the world thing is an act?"
Gabriel shrugs "Some girls like that....you're different though....I like that"

they're in a the park again
"I had a good time" Mione says "with you"
"You act surprised" Gabriel laughs "I can be a gentlemen when I want too"
they both stop laughing gazing into each other eyes
Gabriel leans in
Mione leans back
they kiss
Then it turns into a make out session
Mione whispers something in his ear

Abe looks at her "I don't know what you whispered to him but he was way to happy to following days"

"Eww" I say "Don't say things like that; Mione is a sexless cat lady"

Mione raises her eyebrows just like Snape does

"Professor Snape does that when he thinks we're dumb" Neville points out

"So does Gabriel" Abe sighs "You should see it when they do it together; power move"

"What's next" Snape sneers

"I have one Halloween night fourth year" Abe says "We abducted Mia"

It starts out with Trever, Anna, Mione, and Gabriel in the camera
Dustan's probably filming
"What are you four doing here?" Mione asks "You could get caught"
Gabriel laughs "We've come to take you to Ivermore's annual Halloween party"
"It's the first year we can attend" Trever says
"It's going to be super fun" Anna agrees
Mione sits there for a second "What if someone finds out I'm gone?"
"Who would?" Dustan's voice asks "Potter is with Lupin and Weasley is to much on an idiot. We'll have you back before sunrise"
"Professor Snape" Mione challenges
"We'll be back before the dick ever notices" Gabriel says
"Don't call him that" Mione snaps "You two act very similar"
"Oh" Gabriel says "Then at least we know he's half-way decent"
"Nevermind" Mione sighs "let's go"

there all laying down gazing at fire works
"Oh, look" a new person says, he has curly black hair "It's the Know-It-All N***** and the traitor" he glances at Gabriel like he's waiting for recognition


That word is part of the story and I apologize if it offends anyone. I do not use that word but it will be explained why it's in the book further of

Gabriel silently nods at him "What did you say, Black?"
"N*****" Black repeats
Gabriel jumps up
"FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT" is being chanted all around
Black throws the first punch
Gabriel catches it breaking his fist punching him in the nose until it brakes
He then throws Black in the mud "I think you owe my girlfriend an apology"
Trever brings Mione over while Gabriel lifts Black's head
"I'm sorry, Granger" Black smiles "For telling the truth"
Gabriel drops his head
"WHAT IS GOING ON" a professor yells
Gabriel looks back at the camera

"I have one of the time we snuck into the Yule ball" Abe tells

Gabriel and Victor Krum are right across from each other
"Thanks, man" Gabriel says
"Welcome" Krum says "I didn't want to go to this thing anyway"
Gabriel takes a potion and then turns into Krum

"Hey Mia" Gabriel/Krum says
"Krum?" Mione asks "Why did you just call me that?"
"Use your head babe" Gabriel/Krum laughs
"Gabriel?" Mione questions
Gabriel/Krum smirks
"Who else is here?" Mione asks
"Anna and Trever are here as some Hufflepuff couple" Gabriel answers "Dustan came as the kid who is with Fleur Delacour"
"Bad kids" Mione mumbles
Fleur and Dustan walks over
Dustan winks at Mione
Ron and I come walking through
"Is that Weasley and Potter?" Gabriel asks "Where did Weasley get those dress robes? The grandmother store? Could Potter not buy him some?"
"You're so mean" Mione says
"Someone has to say it" Gabriel points out "Better me then someone else"

outside under a tree Gabriel and Mione making out
Snape walks up "Ms. Granger, Mr. Krum"
"Professor Snape" Mione gasps
"I have to go anyway, Mia" Gabriel says with one last kiss

"I did wonder where his accent went" Snape mumbles

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