Potter manor

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"You're going to catch flies if you don't shut your mouths" I point out "Hey, Ty, Severus and I have been working on a new version of wolfsbane. I was wondering if you could test it out for me?"

Jax sighs dramatically "Might as well hang out with Potter here if you two are going to talk about potions"

"If you want too" Ty laughs "he is your god brother"

"We are talking about the male Potter because I know all about your thing for Anna. I will cut your dick off if you touch her" I chip in

Jax pales drastically scooting away from Anna towards James "That's one scary dude"

"I'll help" James says not even blinking "Sirius son or not"

"You have the notes?" Ty changes the subject "I hope you ate and slept during this time"

going over to my bag I take out the folder "yes, mom"

"Lier" Jax snickers "We both know you didn't, and I can not see Severus making you"

"Don't make me track your diet and sleeping schedule again" Ty threatens "I will"

I throw my hands up "Okay"

"Did you get sorted?" Jax asks when I sit down between him and Anna

"Slytherin" I say "Anna got Gryffindor so you better not be a Gryffindor as well"

"I'm insulted" Jax acts like he's dying "I'm obviously, as a son of the Most ancient and Most noble house of Black, a Slytherin"

"Sometimes I think you're more of a peacock then Draco" Ty says "We're both Slytherin's although I thought you might of tried for Gryffindor so you could get cozy with Granger again"

that causes me to blush slightly "I'll get cozy with Granger no matter what house I'm in"

"Granger is hot" Jax agrees "Not as hot as you" he says looking at Anna

I elbow him directly in the gut causing him to pile over in pain

Sirius is laughing

Ty rolls his eyes "You really should learn not to flirt with her around him"

Jax gets up and stumbles to the bathroom

I wiggle my eyebrows at Ty "So when are you going to tell him you have the hots for him"

"Thanks for outing me in front of everyone" Ty says "I'm not he's straight so leave me alone"

"We talking about the same Jax who flirts with everything that walks including the male population?" I question

"He doesn't like me" Ty says

"Hold up" Sirius says "You like Jaxton?"

"He just said that Padfoot" Remus sighs

"Now shut up he's coming back" Ty hisses

Jax walks in the room "How about you show us your room"

I look over to Lily and James

"It has your name on it" James tells "I think you'll like it"

"It has your name on it" James tells "I think you'll like it"

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"They have your personality down" Ty says "Nice room"

"Nicer then ours" Jax says "Way nicer"

opening the closet I have a full wardrobe "I think someone went shopping"

Jax makes himself nice and comfortable plopping himself on my bed while Jax sits on my desk chair

I slide down the wall sitting on the floor "So...how's your fathers?"

"Amazing" Jax says "they're not death eaters so we could either stay out of the war or be on the light if we wanted. Although, I think Sirius has a thing for Remus"

"Remus is straight though" Ty tells "he's currently dating some girl named Tonks"

I chuckle "Tonks, really? What kind of name is that but saying that my name is literally Sebastian"

"DINNER'S DONE" I hear Lily scream

"She's got some lungs" Jax says "like Belle"

I roll my eyes going down stairs

Mia and a red head are in attendance

I'm going to make an educated guess and say that it's Weasley

"Who are those three?" The red head asks

"Jaxton Black"

"Tyler Lupin"

"Sebastian Snape" I give

he blinks at us "Bloody hell"

dinner starts but I end up staring at Mia instead of eating

"Would you quit" she snaps at me

I look around "quit what? I haven't do anything"

"Quit looking at me like you've seen me naked" she scoffs

I smirk "I have seen you naked, love, it's glorious"

Sirius, Jax, and James bust out laughing

"Sebastian" Lily scolds "don't talk like that"

Anna smiles "better get use to it mom because it seems like we're loaded down with males"

"That's what she said" Weasley says causing more laughter to roar out

"good one Weasley" I congratulate "You might actually be okay"

Weasley smiles at me "I think you're alright as well"

"Ron" Potter says "He's a slimy Slytherin"

"not all Slytherin's are bad, Harry" Weasley says "I'm friends with Blaise Zabini and he's a Slytherin"

I did not see Weasley saying that

"We have to go" Remus says "thank you for inviting us for dinner"

they the four leave through the floo

"I'll show you the guest rooms" Potter says

I jump up by Mia "Your hand look heavy; can I hold it for you?"

"Smooth" James mutters in my ear

Mia scoffs following Potter and Weasley up the stairs

"What did you do to her?" Lily asks

I spin around walking towards

"Why am I the one who did something?" I ask

James chuckles "It's always something the guy did even if it was really the girl"

I pull a face "That isn't fair"

he shrugs "Life"


around midnight my door opens

"Can I sleep with you?" Mia whispers

I scoot over "of course"

she crawls in the bed cuddling into me

"Wanna talk about it" I whisper into her curls

"I had a bream about the Ministry battle we had at the end of the year; Harry killed someone there. I keep dreaming about it" she reveals

"This is war" I tell "People are going to die; I don't think Potter is going to be able to stun Voldedork"

she giggles "You always know how to make me laugh"

I smile at the ceiling

"I missed you" she mumbles

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