My life is officially over

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Malfoy manor was a fucking party when we got there

the dark dumbass walks up to me

"My lord" I greet

"Sebastian, I believe after your act of loyalty you've earned the right to call me Marvolo"

"Of course, Marvolo" I breath

I'm this good?

"Have you seen anything lately" he whispers to him

"The golden trio is going to go on the run on Potter's birthday" I tell

he smiles at me which I still find creepy "I'm giving you the summer off"

"Thank you, Marvolo" I say "I appreciate that"

"When Severus gets back from Hogwarts send him my way" Marvolo instructs

I apparate to Spinner's end after weaving around all the Death Eaters

In a cupboard I find Fire Whiskey

opening the bottle I down it


three days later Severus opens the door

"hey" I mutter taking another drink

he looks around at all the empty bottles "I see you went on a bender"

"So" I slur "I have the summer off"

"Go to bed" he states

when I try to get up I fall on my face to the ground

Severus sighs deeply before helping me stand and taking me to my room

when I wake up there's a pounding headache

I find Severus in the kitchen

"Morning" he purrs "How's your head"

I groan getting some water

turning back to the table there is a hangover potion

chugging it I take a seat "Marvolo wants to see you"

Severus sets down the daily prophet "Who's Marvolo?"

"The dark lord" I say "He told me to call him that.....he also gave me the summer off"

he disappears as soon as I pick up a new bottle

when he does come back he's all bloody

"Rough day?" I ask

he glares at me as he sits down taking my bottle

I just get another "So....they all hate me right"

"Potter snr. didn't believe you would, Lily cried a lot, Potter Jr. was ranting about how he knew it, the Potter girl was all mopey, the Weasley boys were in denial, and Granger cried in the smallest Weasley boys arms" Severus names off "What's that about?"

I scowl chugging the bottle

"potion?" he asks

I drink faster before saying "HE can protect her"

silence over comes us as we drink

"I'm being made headmaster" Severus breaks the silence after a couple hours

"Congrats?" I try

more silence follows

this is going great

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