Christmas pt. 3

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Sebastian's pov.

I didn't want to come down here; I wanted to spend it with just her. She wanted me to experience a true Christmas with a family. I couldn't argue because she doesn't know I probably won't be here next year.

I got Sirius a foosball table and intend to kick his ass, Remus I gave a years worth of Severus and I's new wolfsbane potion, I gave James a watch, Severus a hidden room bookcase, I gave mom a panther pendent it was made out of solid onyx diamonds, I gave Mr. and Mrs. Weasley a voucher for fifty gallons to spend anywhere in Diagon Alley, Harry got a broom maintenance kit from me, I gave William a book on curses, Charlie a dragon plushie, Fred got a huge prank book, George got a couple new outfits to fit his personality, I gave Ron a lot of chocolate, Ginny got a bracelet, Jaxton got a wand holster and how to respect your girlfriends brother book which got thrown at my head, Tyler got a years worth of new wolfsbane potion and how to get a boyfriend book which also got thrown at my head, Anna got a ring, and finally I got Mia three new books on Runes, Charms, Transfiguration, a new necklace, and finally I got her a stuffed panther

everyone looks very happy with their gifts from me except the funny books

I was presented with some dark arts books from Black library from Sirius and Jaxton, Jaxton also got me a how to take care of a child book that one went to his head, Remus and Tyler purchased me a couple Defense Against the Dark Arts books, Tyler also got me a book; how to deal with women on their menstrual cycle which I chucked at his head, mom got me a bracelet that says mommy's little boy which made me blush but Mia made me put it on, Severus got me a book; a very rare book on blood magic, James purchased me a snitch that would follow me around, I got a photo of Harry, Anna, and I from Harry, Anna gave me a hoodie that says worlds okayest big brother that caused me to roll my eyes, The Weasley parents got me a Weasley jumper it's black and I put it on, William purchased me a DADA book, Charlie got me a snake plushie which is funny because I also got him a plushie, Fred got me a book of his biggest jokes across the years, George gave me a pair of sweatpants with bestest friend on it, Ron got me a bunch of blood lollypops because he noticed I love them, Ginny got me a new leather jacket, and then Hermione takes my hand

"Follow me" she whispers

this causes everyone to follow us

a motorcycle is sitting there

looking over Mia is holding keys out to me

I squeal like a little girl throwing my arms around her

I pick her up and kiss her deeply

Running back in I discard the clothes I have on before putting on all leather and running back outside

"Where are you going?" mom asks me

"Hermione and I are going for a ride" I state grabbing my girl

"Who said I was going?" Mia asks folding her arms over her chest

I stick my lip out "I love you"

she rolls her eyes getting on the back "This is another attempt to get me to stay with you alone all day"

I rev the engine

"Do you even have a license for that thing?" Mom sighs

Sirius chuckles "You have to have a license?"

Severus sighs "I'm loosing braincells. I have to go; Sebastian I'll see you later" then he disappears

"Se-" Mom starts but I zoom off


I have Hermione dying in a fit of giggles when we walk in the door

"You two were gone a while" James chuckles "What were you up to"

I put a smirk on my face causing the people in the living room to raise their eyebrows

To be fair only Jaxton, Tyler, James, Sirius, and Remus are the only one's in the room

Mia huffs beside me "We didn't do anything; I'm going to go take a shower" then leaves

I turn back

"You're leaving again?" Remus states "Where are you going?"

"I need to speak to Hermione's father" I state "I'll be back in no time"

it takes me thirty minutes to get to the Granger house hold

I knock on the door

Jean opens the door "Sebastian, what a surprise"

I smile "Is John here? I need to speak to him"

She opens the door more "come on in, he's in the sitting room"

that leads me to walking in the living room

"Sebastian, what a pleasant surprise" John says "sit down; I'm watching the history channel"

I sit down "I actually came over here with a purpose"

he glances at me "Go on then"

"I wanted your blessing to marry Hermione" I state

John takes a drink of his tea "I knew this day would come. The day that you would come asking to marry my precious Babygirl. I already consider you a son, Sebastian; of course, you have my blessing."

a breath gets let out that I didn't know I was holding "Thank you, sir"

"Jean and I better be invited to the wedding" John states "I won't tell Jean either; I think Hermione would like too"

I get up, shake his hand, and then leave

once I walk back in Grimmauld the same ground is still there

"Did he say yes?" James questions

I send a look his way

"Don't give us that look" Tyler scoffs "Did Hermione's father say yes when you asked his permission to marry her"

I dive at him putting my hand over his mouth "Shh, I don't want her to know yet"

"Why so early?" Sirius questions

"He wants to trap her before she relises how much of a jerk he really is" Jaxton laughs

"Better get going on my sister" I chuckle "Otherwise she might notice how much of an idiot you really are"

Jaxton and I high five

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