First day gitters

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Lying in bed beside my lovely girl I keep thinking about what it's going to be like at Hogwarts

Mrs. Weasley shrills out "get up"

I put on a wicked smirk before sticking my fingers inside her

a moan escapes her but she's still asleep

she finally wakes up after I start going down on her

afterwards she's just staring at me

"Good morning, my beautiful girlfriend" I kiss her hand "We have to get dressed

"You look amazing, baby" I mutter against her hair

she grips my shirt "not as good as you in your sexy button up"

I smirk allowing her to drag me down the stairs

"Why do you look so formal?" Potter asks "We're going to school"

I sigh "I'm Professor Snape's son idiot. It will look bad for him if I don't look amazing"

Lily comes up behind me "You do look great" then she kisses the top of my head

once at the station Mia drags me into the compartment with Potter and Weasley

Anna, Jax, and Ty join us

then it's Neville and Nathan

"Nathan" I say "My man"

Nathan laughs "better watch out Granger, I heard some blonde headed Slytherin talking about getting in Sebastian's pants"

"It was Daphne Greengrass" Neville says "She was talking to Tracy Davis, Pansy Perkins, and Maleficent Bulstrode who were agreeing with her"

"Did you just say her names Maleficent?" Jax asks

Anna is holding back a smile

"What's wrong with that name?" Ron asks clueless

"In the Mundane world" I start "there's a movie where this evil witch cast a curse on a baby but then ends up loving it"

"If they touch him I will break their fingers" Mia growls "he's mine"

I look at her "Possessiveness is cute on you"

The last hopeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ