12 Grimmauld Place

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on one Monday I was at Severus house from another weekend at the Potter's

it's not all bad

James and Lily are all right

then my ugly tattoo starts burning


Severus walks in the room "You too?"

"Unfortunately" I drawl "Let's go see what no-nose wants"

we apparate in Malfoy manor

"Severus, Sebastian, we had thought you might have lost your way" he says "We saved you seat"

Severus beats me to the seat farther away from Voldydick

I have to sit right by him

"Have you seen anything lately" he asks when I sit

"Yes, my lord, the golden idiots will go one the run after this year. You will take control of the ministry and Hogwarts" I tell

"Very good, Sebastian" the snake-human creature says "Severus?"

"My lord" he says "The order has once again convened and are under Fieldbus charm but it will end once Dumbledore is dead"

Voldydick looks out at the other death munchers "These two know how not to disappoint me"

"My lord" Bellatits wines

"You wine way to much" I sneer "get over it"

"Better watch out itty bitty Snape" she warns "You can't use magic just yet"

"Wait till hallowed Bellabitch" I retort "I'll Crucio you so good you'll be begging for more" ok I might have said that last part with a bit of a seductive tendency

"Your birthday is on Halloween?" Voldey says "how interesting"

"Yes, My lord" I answer

"Dismissed" he hisses back

once back at Spinner's end Severus says "Pack a bag, you will be staying at Grimmauld while I take care of some business"

a smirk forms on my face "don't trust me on my own?"

he gives me a look "get going brat"

once packed we go to the Black ancestral home

to no surprise the Blacks, Lupin's, Potter's, Weasleys, and Mia are here

surprisingly the Malfoy's are present

are they traitors as well?

"You must be Sebastian" a bigger looking lady with red headed hair says

I was about ready to retort something sarcastic when Severus elbows me with a look

I scowl at him before turning back to her "Yes, ma'am"

"I'm Molly Weasley" the lady says "It's nice to meet a friend of Hermione's"

more then a friend lady

"Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George get out of here" she says

"You too Annabelle, Harry" James follows

Lord Malfoy does the same

"Remus, Sirius, Severus what about your kids" Molly asks

"Sebastian" Lily says

"I'm afraid Sebastian must stay" Dumbles speaks up

"Bash will tell us anyway" Ty shrugs

"He tells us everything" Jax follows

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