Potter's pt. 4

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The screen shows a ten year old Gabriel, nine year old Trever, and a nine year old Anna
"Are you sure we should be doing this?" I hear Dustan's voice say
Gabriel shrugs "You can go back to class if you want"
"I didn't say that" Dustan wines
"do it" Trever says
Gabriel turns to the screen "I am about to climb that tree to jump into the water"
he does exactly that except when he comes back up
Dustan, Trever, and Anna are no where to be seen
"Mr. Wiecken?" a blonde women says "what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?"
Gabriel stands there "Shouldn't you be in school, Ms. Metcher?"
the women nods "fair point" then walks away

"Anna" Abe says "Why don't you show them the one we took last summer...you know the one"

Belle laughs "of course"

"SUP" a very drunk Gabriel shouts "We, as in the Stover teenagers, are here protesting the bad way these pigs treat us"
Anna beside him cheers followed by the rest of the very drunk teens
all of a sudden Gabriel pulls down his pants and starts peeing on a cop car
The car door opens up to reveal a very tall man that looks distinctively like Gabriel
the boy in question freezes "Uh-uh-RUN"
The teens all scatter out
The camera gets blurry from the camera man running until we meet the ground

Anna goes to turn it off

"The video is not done" Snape says

"You don't want to see the rest" Abe says "trust me"

"we do" mum states before pressing play

the camera comes back with Anna, Dustan, Trever, and Gabriel all in cuffs by a couple officers
"father, please" Gabriel says "they didn't do anything"
The officer who looks like him slaps him "quiet boy; you always make us look bad"
Gabriel looks down "Yes, sir"
Anna, Dustan, and Trever get picked up by their adopted parents around the same time four men who all look like Gabriel and three women pull up
the officer and them is all that left
"Where you been, Gabriel?" The oldest looking of the men who showed up asked
Gabriel doesn't say anything
the man punches Gabriel "Answer me when I'm talking to you little brother"
"I'm sorry, William" he croaks "I was with mom"
"We don't believe you, little brother" one of the women say
"Believe what you want Evelyn" Gabriel spits he looks at the others "Mason, Logan, Oliver, Ester, Melody it's nice to see you again"
"now son" the cop says who is apparently his father "You'll be coming with us"
"We need to wash away your sins" the eldest girl states
"We can help you" the youngest looking boy cries "you can be one of us even with your mother being the spawn of Satan"
"He doesn't have a choice" two of the men say together "he's coming whether he wants to our not"
"Maybe we should be nicer to him" the youngest girl tries
Gabriel stands defiant "do what you must but I will never fall under your rain Danny Wiecken" he looks at the cop "You might be my father but you are not my dad"

"What was that" Snape shouts

neither say anything

"Before we tell you anything you all have to make an unbreakable vow to never repeat any of this to anyone" Abe says

we all make the vow

"Do you know what the KKK is?" Belle asks

"We learned about it that muggle history class mum made me take" I say "It's an American organization who go against anyone of different skin color"

"That's barbaric" Lord Malfoy says

"Well" Abe starts "we think of that of your blood supremacy bit"

"Shut up and let me explain" Belle says "no questions until the end. The organization thinks that because their skin is white it makes them pure. The Wiecken's are known as the KKK's most loyal subjects. All of them are part of it and they think anyone not deserves to die. Gabriel ran away from them before he was to join when he was eight years old with his mom Melissa Schwartz. They moved here in hopes of never seeing them again. That night Officer Wiecken got called over here on our disturbance."

"We didn't see him again that entire summer" Abe continues "but when he got back he was different right, Mia"

Mione nods "he was forced into the KKK; we had to break up because..."

"You have a different skin" Malfoy finishes

Mione nods "He started hanging around other known children of the KKK way of life"

"Even at school he hung out with only those who were apart of their organization. We found out during last year that....." Belle cries

"He took the mark" Abe gulps "he's a KKK member.....you all should liken it to being a death eater"

everyone gasps after he says that

"surely it can't be that bad; death eaters rape and kill" Snape says

"so do KKK members" Abe tells "The war against them is never truly over but it is on a rest period....I would like to believe that Gabriel didn't do any killing but I saw the way he looked at those of color"

Belle starts crying hard before hitting Abe "don't say that he can be saved"

"Does he want to be?" Abe yells back "Him, Black, and Lupin seem pretty chummy"

Belle cries more as Abe walks out slamming the door

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