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that's when Hermione comes down the stairs wearing a tight red dress

"James" I whisper "Hold me up before I pass out"

James laughs but puts his arm around me

she walks down the stairs

"Gorgeous" I mutter "Very pulchritudinous"

"What is that" Sirius asks "Use smaller words"

"It means Beautiful, Padfoot" Remus sighs

finally I gather myself take her hand to kiss the knuckles "Come on; we have reservations"


our date leads us back to the states

halfway through dessert I finally pluck up the courage to get down on one knee

everyone instantly turns to us

"Hermione Jean Granger" I start out with "I knew you were going to be mine since the first time I saw you when we were nine years old. By the time I turned thirteen I knew I was going to marry you one day." I open the ring to show a black diamond ring "I love you with everything I have; I want to spend every waking moment with you. Please make my life by marring me"

"YES!!!!!!" she shouts

I slip the ring on her finger

everyone claps

I get back up in my chair with a smile "I don't know why I was so nervous"

"It's not like I was going to say no" she laughs "I love you, Sebastian"

"I love you too" I say


after dinner and dancing we go back to Grimmauld

apon entering everyone is sitting waiting even though it's midnight

well, everyone but Severus

"Did they all know" Hermione whispers when we walk in

"James, Sirius, Remus, Jaxton, and Tyler guessed. They probably told everyone else" I tell "They got it after I left to talk to your father"

"You asked my dad for his blessing" she questions turning to me "That's sweet"

"Yup" I agree "I'm Mr. sweet and nice which mean you are the future Mrs. Sweet and nice"

"You said yes then" Annabelle breaks the silence

that's when Hermione holds up her ring

"That's black diamonds" mom gasps "They're so rare"

"You're making me look bad" James winks at me "Congratulations kid"

I wouldn't congratulate me just yet

It's not like I'm going to make it to the wedding

"Guess I should start planning the bachelor party" Jaxton jokes

"He's going to pick me" Tyler states

"Not likely" Jaxton snorts

Potter walks up to me "Congratulations, Snape. I just wanted to say if you hurt Mione I will hurt you"

I smile "If I hurt Mia I would let you hurt me"

walking over I intersect the girls "Can I have my fiancé back now?"

Anna darts at me "Guess who's the maid of honor?"

"I don't know" I shrug "Ginny?"

she slaps my arm "You know it's me"

mom hugs me "My little boy is getting married"

I pat her back "you still have Potter"

mom sighs "Must you refer to Harry as Potter; will you two ever get along?"

"No" I say "He started this"

finally I get her in bed with me to cuddle

"Who's going to be your best man?" Mia questions

I shrug "It will probably be Jaxton, but Tyler and George will have to be groomsmen"

"I have Anna, Ginny, and Luna" she divulges

"We can't marry until after the war" I whisper in her hair


a letter burst from fire in front of me at breakfast

that means it's from someone from home-America

"What was that?" mom questions

"From America" Jaxton says "I don't know about you but I don't completely trust owls"

"Besides why use birds to fly our letters when we could send it through the flame" Anna tells "You gonna open it"

I continue to stare at the letter "Its from him"

"Who?" Potter asks

"his adoptive father-the man who raised him" Tyler says "You knew it would be coming-you did just disappear"

"You have to open it" Anna whispers "You know how Wiecken family letters work the best; you use to receive them all the time"

I pick up the letter before cutting myself placing the blood on the letter

"I though the Wiecken family was muggle" Remus says

"Nope" Jaxton says "One of the most powerful wizarding family in America"

"The practically control America" Tyler follows up "You do what they say or you get out"

the letter pops up

his voice starts "Dear Gabriel Walker Wiecken, Where are you my boy? You know what happens if you don't show. Your brothers and sisters are worried about our little lost sheep; we know how you are. I've decided to give you benefit of the doubt; your work with our latest victim is inspiring. I have heard whispers of you in London. I want answers my youngest son"

he knows where I am

he knows

"Calm down" Mia states beside me "You're going to start hyperventilating"

"You don't look anything like your old self" Jaxton points out "You just need to find out how to cloak your magic connection with the Wiecken's"

"He only said he knows where you are because he knew it would freak you out" Tyler tells "They only have your magical signature which didn't change"

I look down nodding "I need to uh make a spell to block my magical signature"

"You could get married" Anna says "Then your magical signatures combine; he wouldn't be able to find you"

"Just to get away from him?" James questions "Gees"

"You don't understand" I growl "You all grew up being terrifyed of a man with no nose. Then when we claim that it's silly you think we are crazy"

"Danny Wiecken is the dark lord of America" Tyler tells "we grew up knowing not to cross him or face the consequences"

"The only difference between no-nose and him is that he did everything legally; He fought for his place in the government, he had all the kids he did with a purpose, and he made all of America love him. We know what he's like because of Sebastian. If it wasn't for him we would still worship the ground he walks on" Jaxton lists off "He's smart where Voldemort is not"

my mark starts burning

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