testing the waters

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Lucky for Saiki, the two of you had been paired up for a group project. Now he could try out his other powers to find out which ones don't work and most importantly, why.
As you discussed the work, you couldn't help but notice the pink haired boy staring at you. Seconds turned into minutes and the minutes felt like hours. You were starting to get nervous.

I'm wondering whether or not my Psychometry (the ability to receive information stored in an object) would work on her. If it does, maybe I can find out why she's immune to my other powers.

He reached in towards your face. You turned away and your eyes shut, preparing from impact. Instead, you were met with a warm touch from the boy's fingertips against your cheek. They were soft and despite the weather, surprisingly warm. Saiki had taken off his thin layer of gloves, yet failed to sense anything when his skin made contact with yours. Psychometry is off the list.

You sat, flustered and couldn't formulate sentences. Your once cold cheeks had heated up, the blood rushing to your face as you blushed at the gentle touch of the boy.
You had something on your face. you. He communicated bluntly, finally removing his eyes off you.

Oh, that explains the staring.

You were relieved. He had only been staring at you because you had something on your face.
Oh, no. I had something on my face?? That's so embarrassing! I hope it was nothing gross.

There was tension in the air, Saiki could hear the angered thoughts of someone yelling at his mind.
DID HE JUST TOUCH HER CHEEK? Does he like her and not me? But she's just an extra, a side character of no significance! I am an angel. People bow to me! (Teruhashi)

Good grief.

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now