home, sweet home

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Alright, grandmother. You win. Maybe psychics are real. Or maybe it's all a dumb coincidence. Either way, these are going back on my ears. You reached in for the box and dropped it the moment you opened it.
No way. No way, no way, no way, no way. The earrings were missing. Gone. Vanished. Poof. Just like that.
You were freaking out, your breath getting shorter, your steps getting faster. As you paced back and forth in your room, a familiar scent lingered in your nostrils. Uh o-

There was a loud explosion. And then there wasn't. Everything was untouched and the smell was gone. What the hell? Did I imagine it?
Good grief. She's lucky I restored her house back to a day. Who forgets to turn off their gas anyway?
The more Saiki thought about it, the more it seemed unclear as to how the gas was even left on. When scrolling through your memories of the day, he was unable to find a time when you had even been near the stove. Your mum went to work before you even woke up and the last time you saw the stove after she had left was before you left for school. It was off then.

I have a rising suspicion that someone is out for her. Toritsuka told me her guardian spirit vanished when the earrings came off, so there's no one to protect her. Well, no one except me.
It seems like her grandmother might actually be connected to her earrings somehow. Good grief. What has she gotten herself into? What have I gotten myself into?

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now